Fic: Policy of Truth 1/1

Jul 08, 2015 11:48

Title: Policy of Truth

Author: horrorfangirl

Fandom: BTVS

Summary: What if Buffy never told Spike about her being in heaven? What if she told someone else instead?

Pairing: Buffy/Giles. (Friendship mostly)

Word Count: 573

Timeline: Season 6. AU

Disclaimer: Buffy and Co belong to Joss Whedon, and a host of people who aren’t me. Don’t sue!
Rated: Teen

Rupert Giles walked into the Magic Box with a feeling of unease. He greeted Anya with a slight smile, then asked her where Buffy was.

“She’s in the training room,” Anya replied, “she’s been here since early this morning.” Giles frowned.  While he appreciated his Slayer’s willingness to train, the Watcher knew deep down that something was terribly wrong with Buffy.

“Anya, would you mind running the shop solo for today? I need to speak to Buffy privately and it may take awhile.” Giles told her.

“Will I be able to raise the price of those mediation crystals, you bought last week?” Anya asked the Watcher.

Giles just stared at her for a moment or two, then said: “No.” Anya pouted. The Watcher sighed. “Anya you know that those crystals were bought at a fixed rate.”

She too, sighed, then said; “I know, but I still think that we can get more money for them.”

“I know you do,” said Giles. “But let’s not confuse the customers just yet, shall we?” Anya nodded. And Giles continued on his way to the training room.

When  he got to the door, the Watcher stood there for a moment and listened to the sounds of the punching bag being hit over and over as Buffy continued to train.

Giles took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He waited for a second or two, then opened the door.

“What’s up Giles?” Buffy asked as she gave the punching bag one solid kick before she turned and faced her Watcher.

“Buffy, I think we need to talk,” said Giles. The Slayer froze. “What do want to talk about Giles?”

“Well, the reason you’re avoiding all of us, is a good place to start.” Giles said flatly.

Buffy turned away from her Watcher, and started hitting the punching bag even harder than before. Giles couldn’t take it anymore, he walked toward his Slayer and touched her shoulder. “Buffy, look at me, please.”

Buffy lifted her head and met her Watcher’s glaze. The haunted look in her eyes tore at Giles’ heart. Just what happened to his Slayer while his was gone, Giles couldn’t even begin to guess.

“Buffy, what happened to you?” Giles asked softly.

“I…” Buffy began. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I was in heaven, Giles.”

Giles’ eyes went wide with shock. “Oh, Buffy. I am so sorry.” He sighed, yet another regret the Watcher had to bare.

His slayer shook her head. “No. Giles don’t blame yourself. Please. You weren’t the one who thought I was stuck in Hell.”

The Watcher stiffened. Oh yes. He knew exactly which one of their friends made this erroneous lapse in judgement. But he couldn’t deal with Xander nor Willow at this moment. For now, his thoughts on what he should do with his wayward friends must come secondary, his primary concern was on Buffy, his Slayer.

So the Watcher held out his arms and reached for his slayer. Buffy went into his embrace and together the Watcher and Slayer slowly mended the rift that was between them.

z_creator: horrorfangirl

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