can u tell im avoiding hw??

Mar 23, 2005 16:41

Does all bottled water taste the same to you? NOOO
Do you wear shoes when you hang around the house or do you barefoot it? socks!
If money was no object, where would you go out to eat tonight? rome
List all the things on your bathroom counter without looking... ummm this bunny thingy flowers, my brush, soap, idk...?
Turn around and look behind you, what do you see? my neighbors house
What's worse, a booger hanging out of your nose or a piece of spinach in your teeth? booger
If you could invent a new flavor of soda what would it be? eww i dont really like pop
What's the first section you usually go to when you go to Walmart? ive only been to walmart once to get a pic taken, but CLOTHES!!!
When is the last time you had a haircut? a month ago from saturday
What kind of shampoo is in your shower right now? pantene
How fast can you type on the keyboard? pretty slow
What time is it? 4:44 (cool lol)
What time do you wish it was? 3:00 tomorro
Did you get enough sleep last night? no
What's the worst fashion trend going on right now in your opinion? leg warmers and ponchos (but ponchos are pretty muhc over)
Who is your favorite family member? mi madre
If there were no exotic species laws, what kind of pet would you get? siberian tiger!! no question!!
If applicable, what kind of video games do you play? grand theft auto san andreas
Are jigsaw puzzles annoying or delightful to you? delightful if i cna find the pieces
What's your GPA? 3.8
What do you wish it was? 4.5
If you could do anything you wanted to today what would it be? lol make out with goldfish or chip =P
Can you lick your elbow? no =(
Can you put your leg behind your head? yes =D
Do you crack your knuckles? all the time
Favorite brand of chapstick: i like bonne bell but idk-i use vaseline
Least favorite food: applesauce
Bubble baths or showers? showers unless im sad-then bubble bath and a box of CHOCOLATE!!!
Do you have to wear deoderant? ya =(
How do you get the little fuzzies off your sweaters? i dont
Are you allergic to anything? ammoxicillan and sort of cigarette smoke
Are you an upfront person? not really
Have you ever flashed anyone? haha....ya :x
Besides your doctore, has anyone seen you naked? lol...ya. SKINNY DIPPIN!!! woot!
What kind of gum is your favorite? CINNIMON ORBIT!!!
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