the pats stay nice. ;)

Jan 17, 2005 20:07

the pats won. saweet. beckys house next weekend for the game.


ohk so this weekend was very good. friday night went to the boyfriends basketball game @ oa. went with katie, molls, krissy and ashley. this was one of the biggest games of the year and they won! it was such an intense game. so many good chants. ah love it. tspa after with the girls and then matty came after his shower. thenn me and matt just chilled.

saturday went to the movies to see white noise. i thought it was supposed to be scary? um no not at all. it pretty much sucked. after spent the rest of the night at ryan sextons house with mattys friends. jorge might be my new favorite drunk boy.

swim meet sunday in worcester. ughh i really didn't like my coach at all yesterday. he put me in the 3 worst races possible and then i got in trouble with the rents bc he talked to them. ah i didn't do anything. i came in second in the 100 butterfly and considering i NEVER swim it, thats pretty damn good. coach and i made up and i have to be like an angel the rest of the season. or else i might get killed.

i missed the first two quarters of the pats. butt its k they won. and tom brady is still gorgeous.

last night went over pascales. sully came over after and we ended up going to sean colemans house. mike kalts, ryman, steve feyler, and 2 girls from kp (i think) were there. we then went to sullys uncle house and played a good game of pictionary. even though i quit in the third round. those boys are so into it. kind of funny.

today, woke up at like 1030. i studied francais for a little bit and cleaned my room. then went to westgate with matty. very very sketchy boys there. ah so gay. i didn't get anything because i told myself i don't need anymore clothes. haha. we went to buy a tie for matt, but the kid brought 15 bucks. retard. so we ended up getting our picture taken in those booths and then they like sketch it. idn it came out kind of cute.

burger king after and chris derosa hooked us up so we didn't have to pay. andd then he dropped me off at swim practice. me and kbert swam the whoole hour and a half. good girls. dan wasn't there though.

and i need to go finish like the half hour of hw i have left. butt i have structured learning long hour. so stoked.

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