Oct 25, 2006 18:09
sooo i'm back in philly after 2 weeks of southern traveling...and my return is mostly annoying. i'm starting to get really sick of this city. i miss mountains and clean air...a lot.
but ohhh did i have a great time. i spent a week down in richmond which was fantastic. got to catch up with some people and have awesome times with my family. hilary joined me over the weekend and went to charlottsville for the day which was nice. its a great town.
then i went to chapel hill noth carolina to visit my best friend in the whole world....jess! it was the most perfect weekend for me to come down because i got to the homecoming game for the high school he teaches at, the north carolina state fair was happening and our favorite bluegrass band OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW was playing. oh my god we had so much fun. i loaded up on sweet tea, hush puppies and greens. oh how i miss it so. i had SUCH a great time. i don't think its a place i want to live though. we went to church on sunday and i don't think i've ever felt so unwelcomed in my life. it certainly made me feel thankful for the way i was raised in the catholic faith...free from hatred and full of welcome.
i definitely need to post some pictures soon. i know i say that a lot but its very overdue. i have some great pictures from this summer and into the fall...this is my reminder.
so i'm gonna accept that union job. they are supposed to call me this week for the details. i'm getting kinda restless not working...although i think most of it stems from feeling suffocated in this city...so it will be good to be doing something. although its a very real possibility that i will completely hate it. so we'll just cross that bridge when i get to it.
i've had some weird ass dreams lately. many of it involving death and drowning kitties. i've also been acting rather strange in my sleep...like getting up and perfectly folding my blanket and finding it in the morning when i wake. its kinda scary. i've never been one for sleep walking and i don't want to start but it makes me nervous.
in other news....i got a mario brothers game for my nintendo ds and rescued the princess already. its such a good game!!!
i'm so excited about the incoming cold weather. i totally love it. and its finally "fall" in philly. its inspired me to make some wonderful soup. i made some great acorn sqaush soup and some broccoli cheddar is on the way as well...
ok i guess that's all for now...i'll be updating more regularly now since i'm back in town...
see ya!