Sep 08, 2006 09:26
why hello there. our internet has not been working consistently so i haven't been able to update as much as i like.
so hilary and i went to wildwood, NJ last weekend and it was TONS of fun. the weather wasn't that great but we still had a lot of fun. i took some great photos of the boardwalk at night that i will try and post soon. it was a great time.
we've been catching some great shows lately too with the philly fringe festival going on which is a collection of live arts that doesn't fit in the "mainstream." we saw a dance performance that hilary picked called "house" which actually went through an entire house and you follwoed along. it was great although i missed some parts because of the set up. its kinda hard for 15 people to watch a dance in a bathroom of a philly row house. it definitely made me want to see more dance though. and last night we saw the ballad of joe hill (perhaps obviously my pick). joe hill was an organizer with the IWW and a musician who wrote lots of labor songs. he was framed on murder charges and executed in the early 1900s. the performance was nice....a kind of a mix between a musical and a silent movie. i wish they talked more about his life rather than just the events leading up to his death. i was talking about it with hilary after and how joe hill probably doesn't regard his death as being the biggest day in his life...yet that's what the play focused on. "don't mourn; organize." it was cool. i think we're going to check out a couple more next week because this weekend we're going to VERMONT! yay! i'm excited. its the wedding shower for hilary's best friend who's getting hitched. hil is the maid of honor so she has lots of duties. i'm passing up going to the nascar race with my step dad back in richmond....but really...its really. ha ha. its going to be a good time. i'm gonna bring back some coffee and definitely BEER! we're coming again for the wedding on the 30th...we'll be there longer and have more time so i'm looking forward to that trip even more. hopefully the leaves will be starting to change! blah...i miss vermont.
still unemployed...went on some interviews but nothing worked out. it seems the career change i was looking for might not be so easy to find. but i got approved for unemployment from New Jersey so that will help a lot and give me some time to calm down and figure out what i want to do rather than just be in a state of desperation. i've gotten an enthusastic call from an organizing director with another nurses union. gaaawwwwwwd. i really don't know what to do. went to the labor day festivities over the first parade that i wasn't part of in 4 years. it was kind of depressing...and made me think. its tough....not knowing what to do is really tough.
so for now, i enjoy my days free.every morning, i make hilary's lunch and then watch dawson's creek at 9. ha ha....that's great. i never watched it before and then just got into it. so its all new for me. but god its such drama.
i've gotten really into going to the gym and eating right. it feels good.
i'm going to go visit jess in chapel hill soon and i'm REALLY excited about that. i've never been there and i'm excited to check out a new town. plus i'm going to go on homecoming weekend for the school he teaches at. i'm trying to explain to hilary what footbool is on a friday night in the south but she still doesn't get it. ha ha....she's in for some serious culture shock and i'm excited for every moment of it!!
nudo is doing ok....still hanging in there. she has some scabs on the bottom of her tumor from it dragging along her cage. i use recycled cardboard pieces for her bedding so its not that bad...god forbid i was using something crappy like pine shavings...she would be all scabby. she squeeks sometimes which i'm worried means she's in pain...but its just once in a while and she's acting normally otherwise.
oh and go see little miss sunshine!!!!!! i saw it over the weekend and i laughed so hard i cried! it was great.
anyway...i gotta get an oil change for the trip tonight...