Jan 02, 2006 11:14
so i've been meaning to update for a while now because i've had some issues that have just totally consumed me and left me spacey at times and just full of rage at other time. surprise surprise it was the NYC transit strike.
i was so excited to find out they were close to a strike and thought about what a powerful message that will send. and the city will be shut down even worse than the strike here in philly and it will be an amazing display of worker power. and i heckled at bloomberg on the news taking his photo op as he attempted to be part of the "common folk" walking to work all while wondering when they built bridges from park ave. how dare he talk about the economy and inconvenience to christmas shopping when there was 15% attendance in some schools.
but woohooo labor was national news! everyone was talking about it. how amazing it is to have 35000 workers joined together despite the threats and fines. so awesome.
until i started hearing the bullshit rhetoric from "lefties." people with supposedly progressive politics talking about how "unions had their place and i totally value how they fought for safe working conditions, my weekend and 8 hour work day....but i just feel like this strike is doing more harm than good. it putting other working people out of work. and its not neccesary. its illegal! they make a hell of a lot more money than i do and do an easy job. and if i have to pay so much for healthcare, everyone does. they need to stop being greedy complainers."
seriously...fuck you. i can barely even argue anymore even with the strike over because i seriously might get a little violent. i can't stand these idiots who keep their politics safely tucked away on their bookshelf and is all down with revolution and solidarity until it inconviences their life. what a bunch of fucking bosses the left is.
take a look around! there is a serious race to the bottom. and everyone is just laying on their backs and allowing it to happen. and we're saying "oh well" as our pensions keep getting smaller and smaller and our healthcare costing more and more. and our workload is bigger than ever. we just let it happen saying "that's just the way of the world these days and we're lucky to have what we have." and in NYC 35000 people put their lives and their families lives on the line and bravely said no to the rapid deterioration of worker rights and the race to the bottom and ANYBODY that has the balls to tell them "no thanks" is the greedy one.
but i guess its the same ole story. the labor movement fighting and dying in the battles for all workers just to be told it inconveniences the very people they fight for. even worse when those same people claimed to be on the labor movements "side." solidarity for fucking ever, right?
but ya know...i'm guessing NYC will think twice when they bargain contracts with other public employees. maybe bosses will think twice before they slash pensions and wages and jack up healthcare costs just so they can turn a bigger profit and buy a bigger beach house. because a strike that can be so damaging to business as usual is a successful strike that changes the face of labor raises the bar.
so to all the "lefties" out there - don't play lip service to workers rights if you can't act with your feet.
or maybe now we'll all see the cute thank you note sent to the labor movement from all those "lefties and progressives" purchased at some peace store with a union made label tucked away safely on the back.