Ok so I am basically a terrible person. I do not want to be at my house at all right now, and my Thanksgiving is going to suck.
Read on if you're insanely bored...
My dad got Bell's Palsy (half of his face is paralyzed) again, and his medications make him really irritable, like REALLY irritable. My dad is already sort of irritable, and this is unbearable. No matter what I do I'm going to get yelled at (and spit on, b/c people who can't talk with half of their mouth have Daffy Duck syndrome). Basically he's on steroids, and it makes my life miserable. I should have sympathy, but it's really irritating. I have like 80 bajillion things to do tonight b/c I haven't done much work lately, and my mom didn't make dinner, and I could have gone to Nick's, and basically I'm really annoyed b/c for me, food = destress, and I need some destress. And he got really mad and threatened to take my keys away (an empty threat that he always makes) b/c I thought dinner wasn't a bad idea. We usually spend Thanksgiving with some fraction of my family, but not this year, it's just us, b/c Ben has a stupid football game (which he won't play in) and so we can't go anywhere else. I really wanna drive down to the Cape and spend it with some of my mom's family, especially since my dad is going to be attacking everyone all day, but I think that telling my family that I don't want to spend Thanksgiving with them would be cruel/ not a good idea. I usually love Thanksgiving, but this year it is going to royally suck. Last year at the football game it downpoured the whole time, woot. I would be able to escape, but I'd probably end up at Starbuck's with a book all by myself (if it's even open) since everyone else on the rest of the planet spends time with their family on Thanksgiving. Also, I'm really mad that I didn't have any dinner, not because I'm starving, but because I could have stopped at Nick's on my way home from Starbuck's. AHH. But otherwise today rocked, although it was pretty much downhill when everyone else left Starbuck's. Oh, and also, there are lots of sketchy men that hang out at Starbuck's at night, and I don't like that. Blah. Oh, and Mrs. Everett got engaged, which meant that APES didn't suck so badly today. If I get in Early Decision, I wonder if my parents will let me drop that class, because I absolutely hate it. Ok, well I'll either be asleep or working on my psychology study guide for the rest of the night. I hate study guides, they suck ass. Ok, well anyways, I'm done with my venting moment here, and I feel sort of better.
And also... I'm getting sick, yay (not).