quiz...bored as hell

Jul 07, 2004 17:48

Name: Michelle
Nickname: Shelly, shell, shellie, chell...haha
Birthday: August 16th
Birthplace: IL

Current mood: nervous but im happy!
Current music: Our lips are sealed haha sick
Current taste: cheeseburger from chilis
Current hair: blonde
Current clothes: black spandex volleyball shorts and a neuqua tshirt((just came from volleyball))
Current annoyance: um...no one...AT THE MOMENT
Current smell: fresh air!
Current thing I ought to be doin: prolly something constuctive haha
Current windows open: AIM...IM boxes, notepad, internet explorer
Current desktop picture: OC and Adam brody
Current favorite band: Dashboard confessional...so many more
Current book: i dont read for fun! lol
Current cd in stereo: room-fall out boy, walk-man-jessica simpson, car- tim mcgraw
Current Crush: who knows anymore
Current favorite celeb:ADAM BRODY!!!!
Current hate: my feet lol

=Do I=

Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: nope
Have sex?: no
Give oral sex?: haha
Receive oral sex?: nope!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: always
Remember your first love?: haha whts love...i thought i knew wht love was...wht did i know...those days are gone forever i should just let um go BUT!
Still love him/her?: no
Read the newspaper?: NoPe...only if im in it
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: nope
Believe in miracles?: for the most part
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: if u want it bad enough
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: mostly
Consider love a mistake?: never...
Like the taste of alcohol?: yUpPpP...wths not to liek
Have a favorite candy?: starburts prolly
Believe in astrology?: sure w/e
Believe in magic?: not really
Believe in god?: yup
Have any pets:a doggy
Go to or plan to go to college: yup
Have any piercings?: NoPe...want my bellybutton
Have any tattoos?: not yet...
Hate yourself: nope....maybe occasionaly something that i do but like i dont really ever hate myself
Have an obsession?: yah
Have a secret crush?: of course
Have a best friend?: yah
Wish on stars?: only shooting stars...
Care about looks?: yah
=Love life=

First crush: Kevin
First kiss: :) :) :) tht was some fun times
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: hum...lemme check lol
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I'll let ya kno
Do you believe in "the one?": yah
Describe your ideal significant other: caring, sweet, good smile, GOOD teeth, dresses nice, amazing personality, loves you, would do anything for you...cant wait to find him...

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Hell yah
Have you ever been intoxicated?: nope
Favorite place to be kissed?: Lips...:)
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": haha maybe :)
Are you a tease?: haha i hope not
=Word association=

Rubber: chicken
Rock: on
Green: leaves
Wet: or dry
Cry: me a river
Peanut: brittle
Hay: there
Cold: ice
Steamy: baths
Fast: as lightning
Freaky: deaky
Rain: storm
Bite: marks
fuck: hard haha sick i cant belive i said tht
Blow: job...even sicker...i cant belileve i said tht either! haha silly michelle
Religion: Lutheran


Hair: Blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 5'8ish i guess...i dunno


Bought: movie ticket
Ate & Drank: Hamburger and Squirt
Read: Magazine
Watched on tv: Full House

--EITHER / OR:--

club or houseparty: houseparty
beer or cider: cider
drinks or shots: ill take both
cats or dogs: dogs
single or taken: taken is always nice
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: CD
coke or pepsi: pepsi
this or that: this


kill: nobody
look like: jessica simpson...but im happy with me ahah
avoid: rapists haha


talked to: Alex
hugged: Mia
instant messaged: Alex
kissed: my puppy! :)


eat: Anywhere...outside even...
cry: my room
wish you were in: California


Dated one of your best friends?: i dont think they were really my best friend
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: i dont know wht tht was...but i've cried over many people before
Drank alcohol?: yah
Done drugs?: all the time...advil works :) lol
Broken the law?: yah
Run away from home?: no
Broken a bone?: yah
Played Truth Or Dare?: tht games fun with the right people :)
Kissed someone you didn't know?: yah
Been in a fight? yah
which kind?: verbal and phyiscal
Come close to dying?: yah when i was like 3

--WHAT IS:--

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: liek A*Teens haha
Your bedroom like?: The walls are blue and yellow...i have hot guys covering my closet and my door...and its clean right now...i kinda have a moon/star theme going on
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: My moms casarole
Your favorite restaurant?: Pot Bellys!


What's on your bedside table?: Picture frames, kleenex, this cute little statue and more crap
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late?: ice cream!
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: make my feet smaller haha
What is your biggest fear?: dying
What feature are you most insecure about?: once again...my feet
Do you ever have to beg?: yah.....
Are you a pyromaniac?: not a big fire person
Do you have too many love interests?: haha i wish
Crushes?: yah
Do you know anyone famous?: yah
Describe your bed: twin bed with tons of pillows and star sheets
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker?: no...wanna teach me
What do you carry with you at all times?: a hair tie
How do you drive?: up and down my steet haha
What do you miss most about being little?: nothin...i love being 13..
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: 2 billion dollars
What color is your bedrooom?: blue and yellow
What was the last song you were listening to?: I dont wanna be-Gavin DeGraw
Have you ever been in a play?: yah
Who are your best friends?: meg, ash, kaela, mia
Do you talk a lot?: yah
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: yah
Do you think you're cute?: in the dark haha
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: no
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?:for the most part
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: when i have a b/f...him right now im rolling with my girls
What is the first thing you think when you see gay or lesbians holding hands? sick...
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