(no subject)

Jun 10, 2004 23:54

[ Name ]: Melissa Lynne Beaton
[ Born in ]: Lynn
[ Resides in ]: Saugus
[ Good student? ]: Sure
[ Eyes ]: blue
[ Hair ]: brown
[ Shoe size ]: 7

Last time you..
[ Had a nightmare ]: like three days ago.
[ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: Other than to my friends, never.
[ Ate at McDonald's ]: a few weeks ago
[ Dyed your hair ]: a month and a half ago. I have pretty bad roots. But I don't feel like dying it.
[ Brushed your hair ]: today
[ Washed your hair ]: like, 5 hours ago
[ Cried ]: don't know
[ Called someone ]: today
[ Smiled ]: all day today
[ Laughed ]: Today when Lizz was scatting. Haha
[ Talked To Your ex]: no clue
[Do You...]
[ Smoke? ]: no
[ Do drugs? ]: no
[ Have sex? ]: no
[ Sleep with stuffed animals? ] only one...
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ] nope
[ Play an instrument? ]: no :0\. I wish I could play drums or guitar though
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: idk
[ Read the newspaper? ]: Yep
[ Have any straight friends? ]: Everyone is. Except Claire ;0)
[ Have any gay friends?]: No
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: No
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: Yes
[ Believe in God? ]: yep
[ Pray? ]: sometimes
[ Go to church? ]: no, only in school
[ Have any secrets? ]: Not anything really big.
[ Have any pets ]: two cats, Darla and Bootsie
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: lol, yea. Sometimes they are creepy though
[ Wear hats? ]: No.
[ Have any piercings? ]: ears
[ Have any tattoos? ]: nope
[ Hate yourself? ]: sometimes
[ Have an obsession? ]: no
[ Have a secret crush? ]: nope
[ Collect anything? ]: nope
[ Have a best friend? ]: four; Janelle, Lizz, Jenn, and Claire. <3
[ Like your handwriting? ]: I like my cursive, but not print
[ Have any bad habits? ]: yeah, I bite my nails and I talk about people a lot :0\
[ Care about looks? ]: "to a degree" (Dave's answer)
[ Friends and other people? ]: ?
[ Believe in witches? ]: LIZZ AND JENN! lol
[ Believe in Satan? ]: idk
[ Believe in ghosts? ]: no

01. Fallen for your best friend? no
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nope
03. Been rejected? a few times
04. Been in love? I don't think so
05. Been in lust? of course
06. Used someone: yes
08. Cheated on someone? no
09. Been cheated on? no
10. Been kissed? yep
11. Done something you regret? a few things...

Who was the last person...
12. You touched? Jenn
13. You talked to? Claire
14. You hugged? Jenn
15. You instant messaged? Maggs
16. You kissed? Gavin
17. Made you cry? Charlie. He was so mean to me just because I refused to date him. Asshole
18. You yelled at? idk
19. You laughed with? The other four
20. You had a crush on? it WAS jimmy. I've long since been over that.
21. Who broke your heart? The only person who like really broke my heart was artie, but that was in 8th grade

Do you...
22. Color your hair? yes
23. Have tattoos? no
24. Have Piercings? yes
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? nope
26. Floss daily? every other day? My dentist would be ashamed
27. Own a webcam? no
28. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes
29. parlare italiano? no
30. Habla espanol? un poco.
40. Considered a life of crime? no.
41. Considered being a hooker? haha. NO.
42. Considered being a pimp? no.
43. Are you psycho? sometimes
44. Split personalities? No
45. Schizophrenic? Um yea, that's what split personalities is.
46. Obsessive? no
47. Obsessive compulsive? I need to turn the tab on my soda can to the right when I open it. It's not really that bad.
48. Panic? Around people I don't know and big crowds
49. Anxiety? see above
50. Depressed? sometimes
51. Suicidal? no
52. Obsessed with hate? Nope
53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? uhhh NO
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? not at all.
56. What would you be doing? Sleeping
58. What are you listening to? Nothing
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Yes. I won't say what they are though.
60. Chicken or fish? Fish
61. Do you have a favorite animal? cat

Current Clothes: jeans, DC tank top, Gavin's sweatshirt.
Current Mood: Happy
Current Taste: mouth
Current Hair: bun. Super frizzy
Current Annoyance: dry lips
Current Smell: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping
Current Desktop Picture: A picture of Wally that says "GO SOX" next to him. I'm a sox freak :0)
Current Favorite Groups: a lot
Current Book: The Grapes of Wrath. I hate it,a nd the report is due in like a month. Damn AP English.
Current Refreshment: nothing
Current Worry: my report card
Current Crush: Gavin
Current Favorite Celebrity: Hugh Grant. Oh man, I love him.

Food: zaa zaa pizza
Drink: anything
Color: pink and orange
Shoes: My J Crew flip flops. I wear them everywhere
Candy: raspberry Godiva truffles. I'm pretty sure I'd love anyone who bought me those.
Animal: I don't really know. I'll just say cat.
TV Show: The OC and One Tree Hill. I have to wait until fall for them :0(
Dance: Anything. I dance randomly all the time. Sorry guys.
Vegetable: Broccoli
Fruit: Pineapple

Understanding: I try
Arrogant: according to Ms Vance my whole religion group was, despite the fact that we were the best in the class
Insecure: yes
Interesting: maybe
Hungry: nope
Friendly: I try to be
Moody: sometimes
Independent: Sadly, no. I'd die without my friends. HEAR THAT LIZZ? DON'T LEAVE!
Hard working: if I want to be
Organized: haha, NO!
Healthy: Not really
Emotionally Stable: Yep
Shy: Not really. It depends who I'm with
Attractive: I don't think so.
Bored Easily: no
Thirsty: yes
Responsible: sometimes
Sad: sometimes
Happy: sometimes
Trusting: No. It takes a while for me to trust people
Talkative: yes
Original: maybe?
Different: I don't know
Unique: I hate these questionsss
Lonely: sometimes
Nicknames: Meliss, Lissa, Lissy, Missy, Missy Mosher, MelBe.
Birthday: July 24
Siblings: Danny
Righty or lefty? righty
How do you describe yourself: What's your sign? Leo and Cancer

On Friends...
Best Friend(s): I already answered this. Janelle, Jenn, Claire, and Lizz
Friend(s) who you go to for advice? All of the above. And Maggs. He's good.
Friend(s) you have the most fun with? my best friends
Friend(s) you've dreamt about? all of them
Friend(s) your tell secrets to? Best friends

On Dating...
Long or short hair? short
Tall or short? tall
Ms. Senstive or Ms. Funny? both
Dark or light eyes? either
Hat or no hat? depends. I like hats a lot, but some guys can't pull it off.
Pierced or no? no
Freckles or none? doesn't matter
Stubble or neatly shaved? doesn't matter
Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? either
All American, homey G, or grunge? All American
Accent or American? Either

On preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? perfect friend
Sweet or sour? sweet
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? I love both
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Sappy
Cats or dogs? cat
Ocean or Pool? Ocean
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho cheese
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Mud
With or without ice-cubes? with
Shine or rain? depends
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? summer and fall
Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
Snowboarding or skiing? snowboarding
Cake or cookies? cookies
Cereal or toast? cereal
Gloves or mittens? gloves
Eyes open or closed? depends
Fly or breathe under water? Both... Please?
Bunk-bed or waterbed? Bunkbed
Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
Motor boat or sailboat? Both
Lights on or off? off

What's your favorite:
Number? 24 and 7
Holiday? Valentine's Day
Radio station? all of them
Place? everywhere
Flower? Roses


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