Every girl who "loves her self how she is" who states "any many should be happy to have her" as she slaps hands with another one of her Old Navy wearing, drugstore rat little girl friends . . .is lying. Every girl who prescribes to the whole earth woman . .not shaving bullshit . . .is lying
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Its the girls who tote that unconditional shit with a type of religious fevor that bugs me. If someone is constantly stating-or trying to force their belief on ME then Im sorry I just don't believe its genuine.
Self love IS conditional. If you can not appease the slef its pretty damn hard to love it.(self being a kind of amorphous melding of mind body and soul) Therefore you have to work . .work on the things you know make you feel good. For many people this means working on looking good. My problem is people think this type of care and work is vanity.
Looking at American culture you would think an appeasing of the self(soul) would come from scented body wash and soup. But no-it takes work.
Nobody except the mentally unstable megalomaniac types honestly think of them selves that highly because its against our nature as human beings.
Our goal is survival(happiness and pro creation-hence we need our ascetic sense. This inherent concern over image is there so that we keep on striving to better every aspect of our selves. And ya that takes self love and understanding, but you CANT GET THERE UNTIL YOU REALIZE YOU'RE FLAWS-and want to work on them. In other words you cant love you're self until you understand that you can better youre self.
Shaving is necessary for women because it maintains health. Its just a little harder to stay clean with body hair. Its more of a separation between women and men instead of children and adults.
Men like young gilrs because they are more suitable child bearers(nature not nurture type shit)
So ya, um, that went absolutely no where. Oh well, those are my rambling disjointed views.
I cant take weeks off. And I HAVE to exercise. Energy comes from my caffeine consumption. I used to pas out allot. Now I don't go for more than a week with out eating at least once.
But last year I discovered Xenidren-and that works pretty damn well.
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