Sep 13, 2006 09:15
Making the kids' lunches I ran out of becel; I have to buy some after I drop ds off. Dropped ds off @ school & went into loblaws. Wondered what to make for dinner. Cool, rainy day...beef stew! lovely chunks of juicy beef (I think I've got some in the freezer) bubbling in a thick broth (check) with carrots (buy a bag), pototoes (get some yukon gold..nice colour), peas strike the peas - dd#2 hates peas, onions (check), all the other stuff (check), ooo - a nice baguette, two? there are five of us, nah, just one, and get a multigrain for lunch...milk, this is getting heavy, I need to get out of here.
Checkout. Drive home. Unpack.
I forgot the becel.