demonstration of diffusion

Aug 18, 2006 09:32

I laugh everytime I read this so I thought I'd share. It's part of a post from another forum I frequent, the poster, P**** (name removed to protect the guilty), is talking about some experiences he had in high school. Read on...

"...Another time, I was used as an example for diffusion.
I would frequently smoke 'hand rolled cigarettes' if you follow my drift at lunch time, then go to my chemistry/science whatever it was class after that.
So one time the teacher is discussing diffusion, and he says "Its like P****, he comes in late every day at about 1:05 and sits down right there. Now after about ten minutes you can smell what he's been smoking about five seats away, and after about fifteen minutes, we'll all be able to smell, now if there were more of an air current in the room...""

Isn't that priceless?
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