My Day

Feb 18, 2004 22:18

well 2day was actually hilarious!

went to job centre

mucked bout in glasgow

went to glasgow green

had milkshake

had mcChicken sandwich

and then it got better

guys from Never Heard Of It came up n tlked 2 us, theyre were actually so sweet! my god! a saw them when they supported sum1

and aye well they TRIED 2 guestlist us for their gig....but unfortunately there was only 1guestlist space left, and me n lisa didnt want to part, but a got my shoe signed, n me and Elmo had a pure good long conversation bout sum41, lamoa :S

neway aye, am shatttered!

and nic, sorry i didnt fone u, i WILL fone u 2mora!
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