Things are really getting weird around LJ, it's kinda awkard because I'm looking for nice vibes as in other places.
I just get in here, for posting if I feel like/checking replies/posting interesing stuff...
... but apparently, there is a kind of war of fansubs against re-posters or fansubs against fansubs... You get it, ne?
... Even I'm not sure what's going on, I think I can give reason to both sides of the situation. I'm not getting in any side... we all here for the same thing, ne? Hey!Say!JUMP loving :)
Yes is true that some persons do not get a permision for re-posting stuff isn't theirs... and yes, is true that some persons share stuff under extremely-weird conditions <--- I get you people, you have to protect something you did but do not ask me to kill somebody for getting the password of a file. Also I can say please but don't make be beg... It is humilliating, and I'm insecure. Bad combination. And, yeah! I can add you as friends, but I'm sure that you will delete me in somepoint because you don't know me and you will say that "You don't know how did I get into your list" ¬¬ Had happen, yeah. Please fansubs, be nice with me u_u I'm just a fan of you as I'm a fan of the band.
And yes, is true that you cannot ask for credits when only the subs are yours, but, c'mon! Aren't the subs enough? I mean... They are. I'm not sure how does that situation work, but I'm sure, subbing and editing isn't anything easy ¬¬! So, they are right, the video is theirs in a kind of way. Maybe they aren't Shounen Club producers, but translating and putting subs in it it's a hard job. You have to take care of a lot of things, like synchrony, which is complicated.
I don't know what to think, so I just won't.
*brain disconection*
*brain conection*
I'm sorry, it happens a lot.
Atempting not to hurt feelings, or get people mad, I'm going to follow a simple line.
I will say thank you for everything related to what I find interesting, but I'm going to research before it <--- Yeh, I know it sounds foolish but is the only thing I can do, if I don't want to upset people.
I don't want you to think I want to be liked by anywho, is not that... I'm not trying to feel loved by agreeing with everyone, I just do not want to make somebody angry/sad or anything related, ^^ maybe I won't, I mean... I'm insignificant, but as they say: You are never prudent enough.
So, I will say thanks, yeah, I will follow the social rules even in a cyber-social world. Being nice it's important, even in jail; you can get raped if you don't ask politely for a cigarette, yeah. Hadn't happen, I swear it.
Manners are important. Let's not forget about it ;)
Peace, LJ!