The Mix Up Of The Worse Kind, In Her Heart & Checkmate

May 08, 2008 14:49

Title: A Mix- up of the Worse Kind
Pairing/ Characters: Hayner/ Olette, Seifer
Prompt: Paper
Rating: PG, for language
For baka_tenshi at kh_request

It had started with a piece of paper.

Class was, of course, the most boring thing a fifteen-year-old boy would have to sit through without falling asleep. Usually, he’d sleep but Olette was sitting a few seats away and he wanted to look his best, so Hayner guessed that when he’s drooling enough to wake up with a puddle of spit on his text book, no one, not even someone like Olette (who hangs out with a bunch of guys), would find that attractive.

But as usual, Hayner had a trusty supply of paper for when he had those double- block math classes that seemed to drone on forever and ever. But since the discovery that Pence would be visiting his uncle, who seemed to live so far away, it didn’t even have a name (or a name worth remembering); it would be just him and Olette. And a lot of things can happen over a month’s time.

Hayner pulled out a sheet of paper and began to write down, with his best spelling and grammar, a letter telling Olette how they should meet at the clock tower later for sea- salt ice cream and stuff. And to emphasize the last word, he placed it in quotations and smirked at his own brilliance. Who would say no? After folding the letter carefully (after watching Olette doing it so many times, it had to be a piece of cake) and carefully threw it at Olette’s head. He lowered his head, pretending to work on homework or something, but the letter didn’t reach Olette.

It had reached Seifer instead. A fact that Hayner would realize in Five . . . Four . . . Three . . . Two . . .Two and a half. . (He was never a strong reader)  one. . Zero . . .

“Hey! Hayner! I’m gonna do stuff to you and it’s gonna involve me sticking my foot so far up your ass you’ll never be able to sit again!” He said, nearly shouting but the teacher didn’t say a word (or notice, for a matter of fact).

Hayner gulped and when Olette had turned around, she giggled. “Well, I would’ve never guessed,” she whispered as Hayner sunk in his seat.

It was because of that stupid paper.

Title: In Her Heart
Pairings/ characters: Riku/ Kairi
Prompt: “With you right from the start and right to the end”
Rating: PG
For midnight_birth at kh_request

Kairi watched as Sora and Riku read the letter inside the bottle, she knew it was from the King, that it was urgent to read it as soon as possible. But she didn’t want them to go. How long had she waited for Riku and Sora to return? Far too long and if was about to be a waste of time. Kairi knew they were going to leave again. And this time, she wasn’t leaving the Islands.

“I’d like to be alone,” Riku said once he had finished the letter. Sora nodded comprehensibly and left but Kairi stayed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked

“”We just got back,” he said quickly.

“I know, but if it’s urgent . . .” Kairi began, not wanting to finish the sentence. She didn’t want them to leave her behind again.

“Riku laid his hand on Kairi’s shoulder. “You don’t want to be left behind, huh?”

“Of course not,” she replied.

“I don’t blame you.”  Riku added.

“Every time Sora leaves,” she began, looking up at Riku with a plead written on her face. “You leave too, and that leaves me here by myself. And when Sora left me on the Islands and when I had forgot about him . . . I was so worried. And I was worried about you, too. You just left out of nowhere.”

“Kairi, you know we’ll come back, right? We always do.” With both hands on her shoulders, Riku stared through his bangs at her. “We’re with you from the start and right to the end, even though you can’t see us or hold us, we’re there.”

She smiled weakly, but his words only reassured her partially. “You know that you’ll always be in my heart.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist. She missed him and his comforting hugs more than she could ever let herself tell him.

Title: Checkmate
Pairing/ characters: One-sided Riku/ Namine, DiZ and Mickey Mouse
Prompt: Checkmate
Rating: G
For dreamer1789 at kh_request

Stuck in this body, stuck in what was once his enemy, Riku looked up at the windows. She was in there and he couldn’t bear to join her. Her room, The White Room, was what was pure in the world, in this fake world. And in the center of that room was where she sat, putting together the last bits of the Sora’s chained memories. There was so much work to be done in such a short time.

He wanted to join her, just to see if she was making any progress, to see if she wanted to see him. Of course, why would she want to see him? He would become a stain on The White Room and stains were not welcomed.

DiZ had even said it himself, he was better off to play his role until he could become normal again. There was never anything he could do- Mickey said that as long as Sora was asleep and Roxas was unaware of who he was before Twilight Town and what he used to be, Riku was in a checkmate with nothing to do. Sora remained in his pod, asleep. Roxas continued to think there was a way to the beach. Namine was still chaining memories and there was nothing for him to do but stare at Namine’s window. 

pairing: hayner/olette, pairing: riku/namine, fandom: kingdom hearts, character: kairi, character: riku, drabbles, character: olette, character: seifer, character: namine, character: hayner, community: khrequest, fan fiction, pairing: riku/kairi

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