Christmas came early . . .

Dec 22, 2011 09:58

After a nice, long and very tiring day of socializing, I came home to an EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT. I specifically told my boyfriend he didn't have to get me anything and he did. And it wasn't one of those "lol lol I don't want aaaanyyything~~~ YOU BETTER GET ME SOMETHING GOOD OR ELSE" kind of thing, either. It was like, "I really, really don't want anything, because I don't have money to get you anything in return and I'll feel bad, so just to avoid the future awkwardness DON'T GET ME ANYTHING."

So he bought me Kingdom Hearts RE: Coded.

Anyway, I started playing it- the cutscenes are SO WEIRD. Did they not bother to change the cutscenes from the cell phone version at all? Square Enix was all like, "what's the difference between a cell phone and a DS?" "The DS can't call people?" Hence the weird cutscenes? Surprisingly, the game was kinda hard. I gave up when I couldn't beat Darkside and I was getting frustrated due to the emotional rollercoaster that yesterday was (nothing traumatic happened, it was just . . . eventful), I decided I'd give it a try.

But this got me thinking. How long has it been since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out? Five? Six years? WHERE'S KH3, SQUARE ENIX? EH? EH?? I bet it's on the bottom of the list of games to make, isn't it? FINAL FANTASY XIII- 3 IS HIGHER ON THE LAST THAN KH3! I understand making RE: Chain of Memories,  Birth By Sleep and maybe even 358/2 Days. I can see the plot relevance. I really do. But BBS vol 2? WHY? Sure, I'm curious as to what Aqua has been doing BUT REALLY. REALLY? Do I really need to know the fine details between BBS and KH1? And what about Dream Drop Distance? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING. WHY MUST I SPEND MORE MONEY ON REPLAYING KH 1 BUT ON MY DS? Okay, so you added the characters from BBS and 358/2 Days, but THE RELEVANCE, I NEED IT.

And RE:Coded. You know a sequel isn't needed when you can pay 20 to 25$ Canadian for it brand new, and about the half the price used. THIS SHIT BETTER BE IMPORTANT.

Ugh. Then there's FF13-2.  I LOVE FF13. I loved the characters, the fighting, the plot and everything. It was like a novel to me. I was ECSTATIC at the thought of a sequel. Especially since Lightning (my favourite character) was getting an upgrade. So I started looking up spoilers.




I don't even think I'm going to buy it, let alone ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea TO KILL OFF SERAH AND TURN LIGHTNING, THE BEST CHARACTER EVER, INTO STONE? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to HAVE A SUCH A DOWNER DEBBIE ENDING? Yeah, good job Square Enix. You made FF13-2  more engaging for the hardcore gamers. You made the battles more fun. But you fucked up the plot! Now it's going to end up like Kingdom Hearts, isn't it? With twenty sequels no one wants! The best part of FF13-2  was Hope being age appropriate for Lightning.

So yeah. I'm not going to buy FF13-2. I'm not even going to ask for it for my birthday next month.  I'm not even going to buy anymore Kingdom Hearts games until Square Enix releases KH3. No matter how superspecialamazingsueprfoxthot Dream Drop Distance is- it's bad enough I bought a DS for 358/2 days, I'm not getting a 3DS for it.

I want to add that I'm grateful for the gift, despite the distress it brought me. I hate surprises.

fandoms, gaming whatnots, rants, fandom: kingdom hearts, fandom: final fantasy xiii, raaage

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