Oh the drama, oh the woe!

Oct 27, 2011 10:12

You know that feeling when you return to do some editing work on a story you've been working on for almost two years, on and off, and decide that you're not gonna do any more editing on it until you can get someone to read it and then BAM you just realized what's COMPLETELY wrong with it?

Yeah. That's right now, in my life.

It happened the other day- I was getting impatient for NaNoWriMo and wanted to do some writing but I was tired of working on my draft, so I started working on my two-year project (AKA type up corrections in awkward sitting position because THERE'S NO WIDE TABLES IN YOUR APARTMENT WUT) and then give up, because I couldn't find a comfortable position to hold my laptop, a duotang with almost 200 pages in it and a 32- paged notebook with my notes all at once.

Then I go to Stumpleupon and stumble upon what was completely and utterly wrong with the first couple of chapters of the story- too much summary and not enough SHOWING omg raaaaage. It's such a rookie mistake, too D:

So now I'm too discouraged to work on it because it means REWRITING at least two chapters. And I just want a draft done that reaches at least 40k (50k is my ideal goal but I doubt I can stretch what was originally only 25k into 50k without making it convoluted).

Ugh, it's like, what? 5 or 4 days to NaNoWriMo? Am I ready? Well, my boyfriend managed to buy a hard drive, so if there is impending doom, I can also save on that, I found my fingerless gloves, I'm almost out of coffee (LE GASP) and completely out of milk (LE GASP THE HORROR). So I guess it's really a toss up. I have an outline done (that includes the ending! YAY) and usually when I do complete outlines, I tend to not finish it. But this year, I'm gonna finish it because I really really really want to win. If I finish the plot before the 50k, I'LL MAKE SHIT UP. I swear to zombie jesus that I will not lose again! I've been doing NaNo for three years (this is my fourth) and I've only won once! That's almost shameful!

real life adventures, rant, nanowrimo, raaage, random

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