Feb 15, 2006 22:00
Yay! Well, today I discovered that we get bonuses on March 1st! I love my birthday I tell ya. I was born when the money starts rolling in. Bonuses, tax returns, loves it. Well, my bonus should be around $1,000.
I applied for a couple new positions. I'm scared because the job I have now is perfect for me....staying to myself and working with such great people. But, I know I should move around before I get settled there forever. One of the positions I applied for is an Underwriting Clerk. It pays about the same as I get now but I would be assisting the Underwriters which is good since my whole thing is that I'm striving to become an Underwriter. The other one, I'm actually more excited about. Channel Partner Advocate. It pays a lot more although it is on the phone. I have all of the qualifications for it. Plus, it's over at the same campus as my aunt and new guy :) It's gonna be tough though. The competition with getting new positions is intense. When you work for a company with 10,000 employees.....you never know. But they are hiring 2 people for the Channel Partner Advocate! **crosses fingers**. Man, that'd be a nice lil' raise but I must not get my hopes up.
New guy and I have decided to start the Atkins diet Monday. I trust him when he says this because he sticks with his word and doesn't cave in to outside pressures. It should be remotely easy for me since all I eat is chicken anyways. And, because he's doing it too and I'm all about support and I'm so co-dependent that it should be simple being with someone 24/7 that's eating and doing the same as me. I'm actually gonna start using my YMCA membership! Yay! I feel so fat lately. I keep telling myself I'm not, I mean I am two sizes smaller than I was 4-6 months ago. Which is a huge step for me, but after awhile.....you just start feeling fat all over again. I swear, this is it. With this Atkins thing and exercising...and whatever that Body for Life diet we're doing after Atkins......I'm gonna work realllll hard and make a goal weight of....140. Because most of my weight is muscle 140 should be like....130 or 125 for me. I'm not entirely sure if I was ever meant to be that small but my old friend did Atkins and she was my size....she became a size 5, so anything's possible.