
Dec 07, 2004 22:14

Started xmas shopping today. Got sume lights to put in my room.. and its kool so at night my room is bright blue.. and u can even see it outside.. it's so awsume! neways... i got sume gift bags n ideas for presents to get for sume friends. and got about 1-2 for each person in mi familia. spent all my money lol.. but its ok im gonna apply to outback either 2morrow or sumetime this week. 10th grades in my school are fucking stupid.. well sume of them especially in my lunch per. and dont 4get about freshman, sume are kool and the others.. grr their just so fucking annoying.. im not going into that story it will take forever and plus whoever is reading it this prob doesnt care either. i also hate my math classroom because i can barely breath in there, theres like no air or its just me.. schools going ok.. still playing volleyball in gym and making sure i dont get hurt with the volleyball lol.

This weekend was awsume.. friday started w/ ash. party which I was spendin time with friends who i havent seen in a while. sat- i spent the day at ashley w/ ashlee. we baked, talk n took tons of pictures, y? bc we can n were kool. lol. i was annoying her today by singing let in snow.. ha it was funny.

Saturday night was the concert at my old school. got to see ppl who i havent seen in a while cough cough LEANNA! n other kool peeps. evan,lauren, tim, me n other peeps went to the diner afterwards where their were like these olddd people with fur coasts n hats n they were talking about sex.. it was.. intersting lol.

so idk y i just mention like everything I did in the last week lol. in my journal i'm gonna update when i feel like it and prob put quotes, stuff i did on that day, pictures, and other randomness.

so yeh enoguh with this. later <3
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