Jul 15, 2004 21:58
Right now, I live in Ithaca. It's only half an hour away from where lived for most of my childhood. I went to school in Ovid until 11th grade, and I hated every minute of it. It's a small ass school, and there are barely 100 people in each grade. That meant everyone knew each other, and the groups of people were clearly defined. I always felt inferior to all of the "popular" people there and I felt like there was no chance for me to get with any of the decent guys there. I usually had at most 3 friends, and I dreamed about going someplace without all the bitchy people there. After 10th grade, my mother moved us to Columbia, MO. By that time I was beyond caring about school (the school was 6X bigger, almost 600 people in my graduating class). I didn't party hard or do anything retarded like that, but I dyed my hair purple, blue, and then red. I cut and burned myself for a year. I let my grades really slip and I found my own group. I never really fit in with them that much either, but they were funny and we had a lot of the same tastes. My favorite person there was probably Damion, a guy who I hung out a lot with. By time I graduated, I wanted to leave MO so bad and I went back to NY for college. My freshman year of college was at New Paltz, NY. New Paltz is definitely a college town, and everyone there cared more about partying than school. Since I had to actually pay for school now, I pushed myself to do fairly well. But I wanted to leave again, and a few weeks after school was out I moved to Ithaca.
Why am I even talking about this? I started thinking about how I wasted most of my high school. If I could go back to South Seneca (Ovid), I would tell the so-called "popular" people to shut the fuck up and go fuck themselves. While they will spend their lives working at McDonalds, I will be earning six figures a year. I would go up to that hot guy and ask if he wanted to go see a movie or something. I wouldn't let myself care about the stupid shit that seems all important for those four years.
Basically, this entry is my realizing that the people in the podunk town of Ovid, NY will never get out of the state, much less the country. I have way more confidence now than I did before. I am different in many ways, but I ROCK. I'm eventually going to law school (cornell if I can get the grades to go there), I have an awesome boyfriend (hopefully, I think we're getting back together), and my grandparents are one of the most well-known, and well liked people in the area. Fuck off Ovid, and get me my fries.