Now, if I were a fella, I'd be pretty pissed off by that statement.
I'm not so sure I am, or would be as her partner. People love each other for all sorts of reasons and - all other things being equal - it's better if people are able to be fairly open about those reasons. If she'd worded things a little differently and said that the things she loves about him are not characteristics of his maleness I don't think that would be controversial at all. If she yawns at broad shoulders, can do without chest hair and isn't turned on by her partner's prickly stubble I find myself in complete agreement with her! ;-)
Yes, but I feel like she's explicitly rejecting something that is fairly fundamental to who her partner is and what her current experience in the world is. It's all the more vexing because there's a perfectly good word available to her, she just finds it unpalatable for whatever social and political reasons.
I suppose it's just that I sort of empathise with her there, I often find I want to steer clear of words because of what I know they'll imply to some readers rather than because of their literal meaning.
But instead she's deliberately choosing a word, "lesbian", which she knows will imply to readers something that is not true. I'd feel more generously if she just refused any label and said "I'm not straight, and I'm not bisexual, but I guess I'm not lesbian either. Fuck off, who cares."
Anne Heche did that; despite her other craziness I think she got that one right.
A thought-provoking post, and I especially like this little exchange. I think that we try to fit a wide range of sexual differences into too few labels. *I* certainly can't be labelled as lesbian, straight or bi.
Now, if I were a fella, I'd be pretty pissed off by that statement.
I'm not so sure I am, or would be as her partner. People love each other for all sorts of reasons and - all other things being equal - it's better if people are able to be fairly open about those reasons. If she'd worded things a little differently and said that the things she loves about him are not characteristics of his maleness I don't think that would be controversial at all. If she yawns at broad shoulders, can do without chest hair and isn't turned on by her partner's prickly stubble I find myself in complete agreement with her! ;-)
nice icon choice btw. :D
there's a perfectly good word available to her
I suppose it's just that I sort of empathise with her there, I often find I want to steer clear of words because of what I know they'll imply to some readers rather than because of their literal meaning.
Anne Heche did that; despite her other craziness I think she got that one right.
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