For those of you who are not primarily fan-oriented, there is both hue and cry at the moment over LJ's recent summary execution of several fan journals.
Ah, well done finding a non-LJ source. You can get a pretty good sense by skimming that article.
I'm personally not involved with HP fandom in any way, and none of the characters in my fandoms have age problems. I simply think that LJ has provided some terrible customer service, and there's no indication that they realize this. I'm actually sympathetic to their desire not to have that stuff around (I, too, would like to avoid it) -- but the way they've decided what has artistic merit, and the way that they've shut down journals without notice, leaves a lot to be desired.
Reply I made to someone in my own journal, if you're interested: She had commented: The "offenders" weren't allowed to remove their content.
That is exactly what bothers me most.
If there were a definitive policy, a statement of exactly what is tolerated and what is not, that would be a totally different matter. But to eradicate the work of years on someone's intolerant whim, when that medium has been PAID FOR is totally inconscionable.
There are ways to back up a journal, and I'm going to be looking into them. Any fiction I've posted I have on my hard drive, but the journal itself is my memories, friendships, and journeys since I started it.
I am seriously considering leaving LJ over this, unless they restore what was stolen.
I'm personally not involved with HP fandom in any way, and none of the characters in my fandoms have age problems. I simply think that LJ has provided some terrible customer service, and there's no indication that they realize this. I'm actually sympathetic to their desire not to have that stuff around (I, too, would like to avoid it) -- but the way they've decided what has artistic merit, and the way that they've shut down journals without notice, leaves a lot to be desired.
She had commented:
The "offenders" weren't allowed to remove their content.
That is exactly what bothers me most.
If there were a definitive policy, a statement of exactly what is tolerated and what is not, that would be a totally different matter. But to eradicate the work of years on someone's intolerant whim, when that medium has been PAID FOR is totally inconscionable.
There are ways to back up a journal, and I'm going to be looking into them. Any fiction I've posted I have on my hard drive, but the journal itself is my memories, friendships, and journeys since I started it.
I am seriously considering leaving LJ over this, unless they restore what was stolen.
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