Aug 24, 2011 02:29


You might remember a poll we conducted some time ago, the one deciding THE FATE OF THE GAME AS WE KNOW IT.

Okay, not really, but the point is we have come to a decision!

Starting September 1st, Smash Academy will become a Community-Based game. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

Not much changes, to be honest. Instead of using character journals, all network entries will be posted to smash_network. All third-person logs will go to their normal location--with a twist! We've renamed some of the communities.

sbg_logs is now smash_logs
sbg_creative is now smash_creative


The OOC community, dressing room, and crack community will be moving.

sumabura_gakuen is now smash_ooc. All OOC posts will go here.
sbgdressingroom is now youre_smashing.
random_sbg is now smash_random.

Again, the move won't be enacted until September 1st, so keep using the normal communities until then, but feel free to join the new communities in the meantime and admire their GORGEOUS LAYOUTS (yaaay pix).

Or you can admin console in:

Friend add smash_creative
Friend add smash_logs
Friend add smash_network
Friend add smash_ooc
Friend add youre_smashing
Friend add smash_random

There is one other thing we need to explain, and that's how tagging will work with the new community-based system.

» !chat post: The Network has a built-in Instant Messaging/chat system, and works just like how you think it would. You can invent a time stamp and a character screen name and go from there. An example of this can be found here.
» !media post: Audio, video, sticky notes, papers slipped under doors... things like that should get a "media" tag. Yes, even telepathy is a media, okay. It's a media of the mind.
» !action post: Any post that has your character running physically around the school. Prose logs should be saved for the log community, but [action tags] can be used for this situation.
» !private post: Sometimes you just want to make a message directed to only certain individual(s). That's fine! Use this tag. Please use lj-cuts or [bold brackets] or some kind of way to distinguish what's a private message and what's not, and most importantly who it's to. Note: private messages can be fair game to "hacking". Please indicate in some way how easy is it or isn't to hack if you'd like these sorts of shenanigans. When in doubt, just think in-character! (And ask the muns!)
» !public post: Any post that is not marked as "private" will be public.

The only other thing you need to worry about is your character tags. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO TAG YOUR POSTS. We're using this format:


And since we have so many Pokemon characters...


That's it! PLEASE COMMENT HERE IF YOU DO NOT SEE YOUR TAG. If you think there's a strong need for a new type of tag, or notice a duplicate or make a misspelling, just let a mod know (or leave a comment on the tag post) and we'll fix it. Eventually we would like to use this same tag format in smash_logs but that will take some time to finish, so continue to tag there as you normally do and we'll take care of the rest.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We are here to answer them.

mod post, the most important, important

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