Gather Round Boys and Girls, it's that time of the year again

Jan 14, 2011 00:11


Winter Cold Edition
Comment to this entry with the following:
1. Player Name (personal journal link is optional)
2. A list of your character names, series, and their journal usernames
3. Present links to two examples of each character's activity.

- Journal posts (minus Christmas presents) count as one sample.
- Santa gift posts do not count since we feel they do not reflect your character's voice (UNLESS there was a significant exchange in the comments)
- In all other circumstances (logs, replies in other journals) your sample must have AT LEAST 6 comments of your character talking if it is a journal post (So 12 comments if they are talking to someone, and they cannot be 1-2 word exchanges. We need to see your character's voice!)
- Any log and journal posts are fine). Tegaki logs are also accepted (as long as they fit in the dates).
- Tags created after today's date DO NOT COUNT unless
1) You are missing one sample for your character
2) They are part of a thread that was already started before
3) You have not been active with said character for very important reasons and have just been recently coming back
 New Characters approved from January 7th and onward are exempt from two samples, but still need 1 sample (introduction post is fine) as proof if their activity.

Also, in regards to the inactive players who have continued to sit on characters since the last activity check after posting in it, Inactive players who sign the activity check and disappear again will be monitored and interviewed by the mods. However we have different kinds of cases on this as well as legit, documented hiatuses. We're taking this on a case to case basis.

This activity check ends on January 21st and the un-signed will be purged.

If you feel a certain character does not met the requirements, please talk to us and we will see what we can do. Sometimes people have slumps and penalizing you for a character when you are active with another would hardly be fair. Therefore, this will be a case to case basis. It is also being done partially to have you think about the characters you're playing. If you haven't been active with a character for a long time, you have to wonder if you're still feeling that character enough to keep it. However, if you still really want to keep this character but run out of steam, we have a wide community of people who could help both in and out of character.

All formats are acceptable because not everybody logs, not everybody Tegakis, and surely there are characters who have more to say in other people's journals more than their own. We have all different kinds of players and nobody by means has to be a superplayer that can go everywhere and do everything.

Repeated Hiatus note: Players on documented/extended hiatuses (made a post in this main comm) just need to sign before the cutoff date and can resume their hiatus no problem. If you're on hiatus and have nothing to show for the last month, you can talk to the mods about it. We're not an automated service that functions on black and white. This goes with any or all concerns about about this activity check. Again, this will be a case to case basis.

And remember, New Characters added during this check phase only need ONE post.

player's check, mod post, announcement, activity check, information, important

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