Aug 28, 2010 23:31
This is an event announcement for a very short weekend-long event. It will be happening Saturday, September 11th ICly, though the official post will go up Friday evening and you can backdate for as long as you please.
So what's going down?
Uxie is going to be a dick. The Headmasters are once again "conveniently" called out for a day. And wouldn't you know it, that's the day that Uxie slips a special little something extra into the food once again. So what is it this time? Fairy dust? Genderbend powder?
Nope. Poison. 8) Congratulations, SBG, you have 24 hours to live!
But don't worry! There's some antidote being stored up at the top of the clock tower! Which is going to be rigged with a Big Heap O' Traps! ...Unfortunately, there's only enough antidote left for about half the school. Yep. Good luck! What everyone does next is up to them -- try to make their last day count, make a big heroic sacrifice and give up their share of antidote? Fight tooth and nail to beat everyone else to the tower? Try to hoard some and sell it for a ridiculous price?
Whatever they do, after 24 hours pass, people might start noticing that they... aren't dead at all. Oops. Did Uxie say "poison"? Gosh, he just meant "extra salt". What a silly Freudian slip that was! Gosh, hope nobody didn't want to die a virgiiiin did anything they'd regret.
Wow, what a dick.
I know, right.
Can we punch him in the nads after?
He doesn't have nads. 8( Unfortuantely, I'd kind of like for Uxie to keep up his "harmless little fairykid" image, so his "hey guys poison lol" announcement will be broadcast over the PA system with a voice changer to help mask his identity. He will sound strangely like Chris adopting a falsetto voice. After that, he will be teleporting the heck outta the office, just in case somebody decides to try to catch him in the act. What a dick.
So yeah. Feel free to use this post for questions/plotting/etc.
event information