Jun 18, 2010 22:51

It's that time again, folks! Time for an activity check. Yes, you heard me. ACTIVITY CHECK. You should post to this! Like... as soon as you see it. We won't be hunting down players this time around, and "oh yeah there's an activity check oops" will still mean you'll have to to reapp.

The activity check will end Sunday, June 27 at midnight (EST). That means you have a little over a week to post here. You only need one sample of activity per character, in the form of either a prose log (the third-person narratives we post on sbg_logs ) or a comment thread of substantial length (everything else). Use your judgment to decide if a sample is substantial or not -- a deep, involved conversation that's a few comments shorter could very well be just as good as ten tags' worth of small talk about the weather. Somewhere around 6-8 comments from your character should be okay.

But! Not just any post will do! In light of last month's Activity Check Lite, we will only accept samples from between May 18 and June 18. That means that things posted after June 18th will not be counted as valid samples.

On a documented hiatus? No problem! Just post here saying you're alive, no samples needed. However, we will be checking to make sure your hiatus is documented (that is, you posted to the main comm to let us know you wouldn't be around. This is why we love the hiatus tag.) Please also note that the hiatus will only apply if it was announced between May 18 and June 18 -- posting a hiatus notice right now won't absolve you of needing samples. We're only asking one sample per character, so hopefully if you have to hiatus now you'll still be able to manage time to post them here.

If you can't, or if you're unable to provide adequate activity samples, then talk to the mods. We'll see if we can't work something out together.

mod post, activity check, important

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