May 21, 2010 00:48

Sup SBG. After much deliberation and a few pizza parties, we have finally come to a consensus regarding canon points.

From this day on, characters will be able to app from any canonpoint they please. We understand that people had some reservations about this, however, which is why we'd really like to encourage people to talk to their canonmates! A bunch! Communicate as best you can! If there are spoilers that you don't want your character to know about IC, then please make sure that you've made this clear to the other muns. We aren't going to dictate any "official" current canonpoints, but if people would all prefer to app from the same canonpoint, you're definitely more than welcome to.

I want to app somebody from a different point in the timeline, but how do I explain that IC?
Final Destination City is a very special place. With Tabuu, the Hands, and a gaggle of superpowered fighting students all gathering into one place, the concentration of magic (and mad science, and other wacky things) has some... interesting side effects. To the point that FDC has managed to be a place beyond the laws of time and space, where reality itself is a little... looser than it should be. As a result, people from different points in time can exist alongside one another, can interact freely, all without worry of causing time paradoxes or making the universe implode. Once you exit the city limits, however, the laws of space and time kick in again -- students who are going home for a vacation will be going to their own time.

So how do characters from different canonpoints reach the city? Maybe a wizard did it. Maybe they took the wrong warp pipe. Maybe they tried to catch 'M and things went horribly, horribly wrong. Maybe they fell into a time portal that was accidentally activated when that three-year-old tub of cream cheese in the fridge was exposed to gamma radiation from space. Maybe they just took a bus to FDC and the city pulled them into the same moment in time as everyone else (i.e., now). You can be as crazy or as mundane with your explanation as you like.

So I can app dead characters?
Yes. You can.

Just note that our appable series list has not changed in the slightest. Series not represented in Brawl (Final Fantasy, etc) are still not appable. Nor are the games that exist outside of the canon universe (we mean things like the F-Zero game that was based on the anime, Pokemon Trozei, Mario Teaches Typing, etc).

But then what happens if people that are supposed to be the same age in canon are older/younger than their friends because they're from another point in time or someone gets really buff at FDC and then goes home and what if they find out huge spoilers about the future won't they act on it and change the timestream CANON WILL CHANGE FOREVER
We already gave up on perfectly preserving every aspect of the canon universe when all the gods and princesses and grizzled detectives decided to go to a high school full of giant hands and talking marshmallow things, so I think we'll be okay handwaving a few more things.

Figuring out canonpoints and timelines might seem like a daunting task, but we've already got characters from waaay in the future (F-Zero, Mother 3) existing next to canons set in the past (Hotel Dusk, Fire Emblem), so we know it's possible. Again, we'd just like people to talk to your canonmates as much as possible, just to make sure you're all on the same page. We can't stress that enough. We're trying to be flexible, so we'll accept pretty much any explanation under the sun.

I want to move my character to a different canonpoint!
Awesome. If your character is already in the game, we have a mini-app, no longer than the student -> teacher apps, that you can complete. If not, our app forms will include a space for you to state their canon point from now on. If you're moving ahead in time, a wizard did it. If you're moving back in time, another wizard did it. We're taking the same approach here as we are with apps -- how you explain it is up to you. Give us a page of quantum physics or say it just happened because it did.

If your canon update is going to have a huge effect on your CR/canonmate interactions, then, again, talk to people about it! (Are you getting tired of us saying that yet?)

What else, oh modlies?
We're fixing up our taken character page so it has everyone's canon point listed on it, for easy referencing. All we need you to do is go comment with your character(s), usernames, canons, and canonpoints riiiight over here.

Also some less important unrelated notes:

- If you're participating in an open log, don't forget to add your character's tag to the tag list! You can do that even if you didn't start the log. If your OC has a name (like Charizard also being Kerosene) or just a nickname of some kind (Falcon vs. Captain Falon), then make sure to use their species name/full name when tagging. Use Umbreon instead of Blacky and Little Mac instead of Mac. In the case of duplicates, use "Red's Charizard" as opposed to nicknames. This should just help keep things organized and cut down on redundant tags.

- Are you guys using the wiki? We're considering whether to keep it or just move all the info onto LJ.

mod post, announcement, important

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