No, I did not lose my journal

Nov 07, 2005 11:12

I suppose I should update this every once in awhile.

......then again, I have nothing to say. My life is distinctly lacking in the drama that seems to consume most of the school. I'm not sure whether to regret this or not.

Ah well. Back to Transfiguration, I suppose.

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kickassninja November 7 2005, 16:36:42 UTC
Gawd, how much homework do you get in that class?


sum_quid_vides November 7 2005, 21:49:10 UTC
....I sometimes request extra credit assignments.


kickassninja November 7 2005, 22:14:24 UTC
Okay, that's just crazy. You need to stop that right now.


sum_quid_vides November 7 2005, 23:07:33 UTC
It is not crazy!


kickassninja November 7 2005, 23:12:03 UTC
Is, too! You're giving yourself more work for somethin' that was frustrating you. What else d'you call that?


sum_quid_vides November 8 2005, 17:32:05 UTC's a good way to ensure that my grades stay up even if I do poorly on an assigned homework. =x_>=


kickassninja November 8 2005, 23:01:09 UTC

When was the last time you got a bad grade on something?


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