Oct 24, 2006 22:43
Two young men stood looking at a car that was apparently not doing what it was supposed to be doing. In other words it was not turning on; which is a slight problem if the owner actually wanted to drive somewhere. Their breath was visible in the cold morning, and the thick jumpers they were wearing didn't stop them from shivering slightly. In an attempt to keep each other awake, they idly chatted to each other while poking about.
"Hey, isn't there a new guy starting today?" one man asked while unscrewing the cap off a tube. The other man looked at him, confused. Seeing his expression his friend continued. "Yeah, a guy..ah, what's his name? Mikka Tonitsky, that's the one." The other man stood up and frowned at his workmate.
"Mikha Tonitsky?" He asked seriously. His friend nodded, obviously confused by the sunned interest. "I went to school with a guy called Mikha Tonitsky." He laughed as he returned back to the engine. "He was such a nerd. He was really skinny, and so clumsy! He would always trip over his feet when going to class." The two people laughed quietly at the image. They looked up when they heard a sound from the doorway of the garage and saw a man standing there.
He smiled at them while looking politely confused at their expressions. He was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, a drastic difference in attire to the two mechanics, and didn't seem to be worried by either the cold or the early time of day. His dark hair fell in waves around his ears and was neat except for a small piece that would insistently get in his eye, regardless of him brushing it out of the way. The t-shirt showed off his arms, and indicated that while he was not bulky, he had definite muscles and obviously has some sort of body strength. He stood there until he realised that they weren't going to say anything, and shifted his weight to his other foot.
"Uh, hello? I'm supposed to be starting here today?" He stated, raising his eyebrows in a gesture of confirmation. Seeing the other men's blank looks, he tried again. "I'm Mikha Tonitsky; Matt said I would be of use today, so to come in?" He realised he was getting nowhere, wondered if he was speaking the correct language, and was about to try again when an older man walked out of a small doorway. Mikha sighed in relief and waved at the man. "Matt!" He called in greeting. The man waved and motioned for him to come over.
"Mikha; good to see you here bright and early." He turned to his employees, who were still staring at the 'new guy'. He frowned and waved his hand in front of their faces. "Oi!" He barked, projecting a feeling of authority. "Is that how you should treat someone you're going to be working with? Mikha here's got more experience than the both of you, so pay him the proper respect!" The two guys stood up straight, mumbling sheepish apologies. Mikha slouched in embarrassment when he recognised the man wearing the beanie that had been staring at him more than the other.
"Hey, didn't we go to school together?" He asked, frowning with the memory. The man shrugged, not making eye contact. He shrugged with outward indifference and had a look at the engine that was causing so much trouble and pointed and some tubing. "You may want to fix that, then check the fanbelt." He turned back to Matt, ignoring the evil looks being shot in his direction. "Is there somewhere I can get a coffee?" He asked politely. "Or I can always go get some from Agariste; Amy would probably be happy for an excuse to make herself a coffee at this hour."
Matt laughed and took him through the doorway, showing him where he could get something to drink. The two men were left, humiliated, to look at the fanbelt with contempt.