
Apr 05, 2006 08:56

Meh, right now i'm mad at my dad. he's letting this house and himself go to shit and he's doing nothing at all about it. the house is a mess, he keeps bringing in useless junk, won't try to get the pool fixed, won't throw out any junk, he's overweight, he won't eat right, and won't exercise, won't even look nice for a damn job interview, and i'm fucking sick of it. oh and don't forget the damn cars. One has a rare busted carburator, the other is all rusted up with a stuck transmission and the last one has no ac, all dinged up, can't roll down the windows, no radio, and it can barley go up hill. He's letting them go to peices as well and won't sell them to get one nice car that actually runs. Plus he kinda rubs off of me, I get so depressed that iIdon't want to do anything thanks to what he does to this place. I wanted to go swimming this year so i can get my and his health up. But looks like that won't happen. Thanks to him. i can't even live my life now. can't even get a fucking licence cause of him. Ya know, i don't think he even supports me on doing stuff. All he does is drive me around places. Really tired of this, I want to live somewhere where I can actually get my life back together. Anyone there wanna take me in so I can get my life together?
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