Dec 27, 2008 19:55
I have a favor. A MAJOR favor. It's long and strenuous and just BIG.
I've kept it away for so long, but it's been too late already and I feel I no longer have an option.
I need a beta.
- I need someone who I can talk to, at night, in the morning, middle of the day (etc) about any new fic that popped into my head at night.
- I need someone to proofread, and check my story for grammar mistakes, as well as any sentences that don't make sense, need a bit of tweaking and/or don't fit.
- It's going to be a hard job, I know, but it's mostly for my one-shots that I write in the middle of the night and can't seem to fix perfectly in the morning.
- Someone who will put the effort in, because if I spent hours/days on this fic, I expect some time spent beta-ing it as well.
- Someone with free time, because I write at odd times, post at odd times, and ask that you remain stable.
- Aim, gmail, msn messenger, w/e is comfortable for you, is fine by me.
- I am erratic, will probably not be on LJ for weeks/months on end, and I might be even gone for an entire summer.
- BUT I am a spaz 9/10 times and will be eternally grateful if you decide to say 'yes.'
All comments will be screened. ♥