Places to visit before im old:
- New York-because i've never been and i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to*sigh*
- California (L.A.)-because that's my dream...enough said
- England-because it's friggin sweet...history, interesting places, crazy accents, what have you...and if i happen to meet the man of my dreams, so be it
- Greece-because it's SOOO FRIGGIN looks amazing
- Italy-because i like their food and the country's supposed to be amazing
- Spain-because of the culture and food so on...
- Australia-because it looks like fun...and i like to have fun...
ohio is going to suck ass this year...stupid weddings, ugly dresses, family arguments...haha its gonna be interesting seeing everyone walking on egg shells aroun everyone else...i swear if my family bottled up anymore stuff inside of them to avoid confrontation, theyre going to burst...which is exactly what i expect everyone will do...hah all i can say is i hope we get a hotel...