OMG, it's a non-SPN post!

Apr 16, 2010 06:26

I don't have girlcrushes often. To be honest, the Js take up most of my perving time and energy - which is a considerable accomplishment on their part, pretty boys that they are!

However, occasionally I get whacked in the head with attraction for someone of the female variety, and good GOD does it hit me hard.

Oh Karen Gillan, the things I would do to you, lovely girl...

Karen is the companion on the new series of Doctor Who. Her character's name is Amy Pond, and she is absolutely adorable and completely amazing. I love the other companions in New Who, but within the space of two episodes, Amy has quickly become my favorite.

Amy works as a kissogram, and in the first episode she spends the whole time running around after the Doctor and helping to saving the world, in what is possibly the universe's shortest skirt. She also handcuffs the Doctor up in her house and, in a later scene, watches brazenly as he changes clothes - the other man with them at the times asks if she's going to turn away, to which she raises her eyebrows, smirks, and says, "Nope." EPIC WIN.

Looking fantastic at promo events:

On a side note, I'm starting to rather like Matt Smith and his freakishly strange face as well. I am convinced that anyone even remotely attractive playing the Doctor becomes instantly doable.

A short video, because I have a thing for accents, and hers is just beautiful. I love how she talks with her hands here!

image Click to view

And lastly...oh lord...UNF:

Gorgeous, no? Interestingly, I think I may be developing a type. The only other girl I can remember falling this hard for is Summer Glau, who has kind of a similar look going on (and oh, fuck ME, this picture is amazing):

Which segues nicely into one of my (and fandom's, I think!) favorite Firefly quotes - I'll be in my bunk!

doctor who, picspam

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