SPN 4x08

Nov 07, 2008 02:36

Play by play under the cut, as per usual. Fair warning: most of it is me squeeing over Jensen/Dean. I make no apologies for this. The boy is just squee-worthy.

First of all: Yay Thursday! Also, I'm SO DAMN HAPPY I finally found a good site that gets direct downloads up the same night the episode airs. That is just the most incredible thing ever.

Wow, that beginning was stupid and cheesy.

Dear god. Worst. Server. Ever. And I know servers.

Mmm. I like shot-drinkin' Dean. Actually...I like Dean doing just about anything.

I'm also completely in love with his angry growl.

Ok. Full disclosure. I am NOT a car person. At all. I hate the things. I wish we could get rid of them all for good. But even I am beginning to be sucked in by the Impala. It's just so...sleek...and black...and shiny...and Dean loves it so damn much... *stares*

Ha! The book is called Supernatural. That's right. I AM that easily amused.

So I love me some SPN crack. Some of my absolute favorite episodes are the cracked-out funny ones. But there better be a shitload of angst about to come our way to make up for about four funny episodes in a row. I'd better be fucking bawling by the end of this season. The crack is fun, but the angst is what keeps us - or at least, me - coming back for more.

Dear lord Jensen is beautiful. I know this, but every time I watch a new episode, somehow I'm surprised by it.

Aww! Confused boys are confused! "That...is a big foot."

Hee! Dean said "hooch." I have no idea why this is so amusing. Also: "He's a girl-drink drunk."

Love Dean pocketing the bottle. Honestly? Something I totally see him doing, even pre-Hell.

Sitting in sync! *loves*

Did Dean just make a David Duchovny reference? They really keep up with pop culture enough to hear that?

Also: didn't we just have an episode about things that shouldn't exist? Shouldn't our first thought here be another weirdo shapeshifter? Or maybe, following along the same lines, a trickster? Not trying to be nitpicky, but still. They should remember these things.

I love how "Busty Asian Beauties" has become a running gag. Especially since we all know Dean would much rather be looking at Sam.

Aww! I love how Dean has always been good with kids. Now I'm craving daddy!Dean fic. Funny, how after a while you start to get cravings for fic the way you do for food.

OH MY GOD. Their faces at seeing the teddy bear are absolutely PRICELESS. *watches a dozen more times*

Audrey is really freaking adorable. Kudos on the casting there.

The bear-killing discussion is PERFECT. I need that on an icon or a wallpaper or a banner or something, because seriously. That was awesome.

Yay Dean and food! God I'm easily amused.

That...really was kind of douchey of them, to make the guy think his place was getting shut down on a health code violation. That's serious shit for a restaurant owner.


Aww, Dean! "What would Sammy wish for?" All sweet and nostalgic and adorable, and then getting hit - again - with the gruesome reality of who they are. Man, Sam has changed since the first season. I love that.

And Sammy wins the award for vaguest answer EVER. "Where are you going?" "Something just occurred to me." Yeah. That's helpful.

Eww. I have issues with people vomiting. So far, SPN has managed to stay far, far away from it, which I'm very grateful for. I hope this is the worst it ever gets.

I'm still really intrigued by what would happen if one of them wished for Wincest and how it would "go bad." I'm sure it will get written, but that just has super-fun possibilities. Mpreg? Bodyswap? Sex addiction? You could justify all sorts of fandom cliches with that setup.

Ha! Teddy bear suicide! I bet that was a fun little role to write. And act and costume and direct, for that matter.

Oh...Dean in bed...twitching...my poor sweet boy...

Couple's therapy!

Oy...this is so completely the Buffybot all over again. Honestly, I think the boys are doing the best they can with this episode - some of their reaction shots have been great - but the writing has been sub-par. Which is allowable for one episode after seven great ones, but I hope next week is back up to standard quality.

"On Thursdays, we're teddy bear doctors!" Ok, I admit. There have been some good lines here. I suppose my problem is mostly with overall plotting, consistency, and logic issues.

Ok. I know that Sam and Dean are both bisexual at the MOST, but them watching that kiss with that disgusted look on their faces, I could just see "Eww! Breeders!" floating through their heads. I...have very possibly watched way too much QaF.

Mmm...close-up gun porn! It's weird...just like the car, I wasn't turned on by guns until I started watching this show. I can only conclude that anything that spends that much time close to Jensen Ackles becomes automatically hot. *whispers* Jared included... *hides from the Jared-lovers*

Oh Dean..."You're not supposed to get what you want." That hurts.

Ha! I love when the boys doublespeak! And I LOVE that they deny that they have it easy. Being in a relationship that breaks at least two major taboos really wouldn't be defined as easy, now would it, especially when members of that relationship keep dying.

"KNEEL BEFORE TODD!!!" Ok, that kid is sweet.

Oh my GOD, Dean trying to pull a Spiderman and getting super-punched in the face! *dies laughing*


I'm sorry, I can't laugh when Sam just DIED. AGAIN. I don't care that I know it's not permanent. It hurts every time when one of my boys dies.

I just want to hug Sam for about an hour right now. Huh. I must be getting more attached to him than I thought I was.

Oh Dean. I love him because he's just so broken, so damaged. He makes my heart ache. But...I also find him a little inspirational, too. He's been barely hanging on for most of his life. Things just keep getting worse and worse. But he never gives in. Never. He keeps going on pure strength of will...that, and his love for Sam. Even leaving my beloved Wincest aside, it's one of the strongest loves that's ever been put to screen or word, and it touches me on a very deep level. I read another reaction post before I watched the episode, and that person thought that Dean should be much worse off if he actually remembers everything that happened to him. But I hold that Dean has far more practice than most people at shouldering burdens and dealing with the worst parts of life. The really bad reactions, getting catatonic and so on, seem to happen to people who aren't used to dealing with awful things and then suddenly get hit by them. Dean, you could argue, is pretty much used to it. After all, he's seen quite a lot of Hell before he even gets there.

I'm really curious where this is going, but I say that at the end of every episode.

Next week, we get to meet angel-hearing girl! I hope she's actually a decent character. I'm usually ok with female characters as long as they have a real role in the plot rather than being love interests. It's ok if they tease that, too...it just can't get too serious. Or she has to die. That would work for me.


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