Hottest Fictional Characters

Oct 24, 2008 02:30

Stolen from petitchouette

Hottest In Fiction
1. Choose ten fictional characters, male or female, (or ten of each, or any assortment,) that you consider "hot".
2. Find a picture to demonstrate their hotness.
3. Explain...if you like. Sometimes hotness can't be defined in words.
4. Pass it on! Share the sexiness...the internet could be a more beautiful place!

Ok, I couldn't narrow it down to you get 20! I ranked them the best that I could, but except for perhaps the top five, the rest are basically a tie. It was SO HARD leaving out real people! I never realized I shipped so much RPS. I also couldn't always decide on just one picture, so this is QUITE IMAGE-HEAVY.

You're also going to hear quite a lot of blatant sexual talk, so just be warned.

20. Tamaki Suoh - Ouran High School Host Club

The artist and writer of Ouran describes the series as "wastefully gorgeous." Tamaki is the ultimate example of that. He's absolutely beautiful, perfect in a way that a non-animated character can never be. He's also a complete headcase. Often optimistic and enthusiastic, he's dripping with charisma and charm. He's prone to sudden bouts of angst, which he prefers to spend sulking in corners. Tamaki's got parental issues like whoa, and he likes to project family roles on those around him - he's the "father" of the host club, Kyouya (despite being male) is the "mother," and Haruhi is his "daughter." Despite all this, though, Tamaki's favorite thing in the world is showing a girl a good time, and he's a master at it.

19. Daemon Sadi - The Black Jewels trilogy by Anne Bishop

I couldn't for the life of me find a decent picture of Daemon, and I'd rather post nothing than a bad one. Imagine a lean, dark beauty with hard eyes and sex appeal to spare. Daemon's nickname is The Sadist, and he lives up to it. In a world where men are treated as sex slaves, he uses his incredible magical ability to punish any woman who's idiotic enough to think she can control him. That is...until he meets Jaenelle. They're literally destined for each other, and he treats her with the utmost respect and care. Much of Daemon's life has revolved around sex, and he's absolutely an expert at it. If I remember correctly, it's said he can make you scream - in pleasure and pain - without even touching you.

18. Sam Winchester - Supernatural

In all honesty, much of my love for Sam is because I'm so utterly in love with his brother. However, Sammy does have moments of appeal that are all his own. In the first pic, we see evil!Sam - he spends an episode possessed, and we learn that evil!Sam is hot like burning. In the second picture, we see the main reason Sam makes this list - hello muscles! Also, Sam is huge - tall and broad with big hands and, according to fandom, other big parts as well. As a lover, I think Sam would be too gentle for me most of the time, but if you caught him at just the right moment of heart-wrenching angst, he just might be willing to take some of it out on you. Sam is, like many of the characters on this list, hotter when slashed.

17. Jareth - Labyrinth

Oh, yes. Jareth is one of my longest-standing crushes, and no wonder. He's powerful, sparkly, and dangerous - and isn't a bad dancer, either. He does things that seem impossible - like rocking the afro-mullet hairdo. He obviously has quite nimble fingers, playing with those crystals all day. And good god, the eye makeup! Not only that, but he carries a riding crop. Think about that. A riding crop.

16. Hook - Peter Pan

Mmm, Captain Hook...I've loved this character for as long as I can remember. He's the whole package - intelligent, powerful, dangerous - and he has a built-in weapon! Hook is amazingly well-spoken, and could likely charm you into his bed with a few well-chosen words. He has serious anger and obsession issues, but that's all right by me! I love both the Hooks pictured above for different reasons. The character, though, remains consistent in my mind...I love that he'll treat you like a lady before tearing you to shreds.

15. Kratos Aurion - Tales of Symphonia

I adore Kratos, and the biggest reason is his voice. Sadly, I can't link that here, but trust me. It's like aural sex listening to the man. Kratos also has many of the characteristics that I love in a man - he's intelligent, competent, dangerous, and mysterious. I love him in command. Seriously though, I could listen to him talk all day.

14. Wolverine - X-men

Hello, muscles! Dude, I have no deeper reasoning for this. Wolvie's just completely ripped and amazingly hot. Yes please! (Also, let's not forget the whole built-in-weapon thing. Yeah.)

13. Dr. Gregory House - House, MD

Ok, I'm a relatively new House fan, but he's really just my type. Older man, super intelligent, super snarky. Plus, I have a real thing for doctors. They just demand respect, and while sometimes this is annoying, with House, he totally deserves it.

12. Peter Petrelli - Heroes

I like my Peter long-haired and angsting - so season one. Besides being devastatingly pretty, Peter just makes you want to cuddle him, like a little lost puppy. I could also totally get down with hot!dark!future!Peter. This is where I would go if I was in the mood for way-emotional sex, crying the whole time. Peter's best when slashed.

11. Nathan Petrelli - Heroes

Again, all about season one Nathan. Yay power! Always rocking the sharp business suit, Nathan is a man's man, and I love him for it. I see him as having totally dominant tendencies in bed. Therefore, he's best slashed with his totally submissive little bro. I kind of like Nathan in that he's a bit different than what I usually go for - he wouldn't think too much about it, just fuck you and be done. I also totally love him with Claire. Petrellicest FTW!

10. Sayid Jarrah - Lost

It took me a while to come around on Sayid, having been more attracted to Sawyer when first watching the show. But eventually, I came to realize that Sayid was made of awesome. He's ripped, gorgeous, and, one assumes, fabulous in bed. He seems like he could be both gentle and rough - I mean, he was a professional torturer, for god's sake. The man knows what he's doing. Plus, he's utterly, utterly competent at anything he tries to do.

9. James "Sawyer" Ford - Lost

Or, as I like to call him, sex on the beach. He's smart, passionate, incredibly snarky, gorgeous, and has a fantastic voice. And he's angry so much of the time! And I love the confidence he has going, as well.

8. Captain Malcolm Reynolds - Firefly/Serenity

Mal is awesome. He's a total sweetheart most of the time, but he can definitely get all captain-y if the situation calls for it. He’s very handsome, good at his job, and funny to boot. Just a fantastic character all the way around.

7. Angel/Angelus - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series

Ah, Angel. Well, being a vampire always helps, and he’s a great one. Lovely tragic backstory. Plus, whoever gave him his name was right - “face of an angel.” He’s the ultimate in contrasts - as Angel, he’ll be slow and gentle, very attentive to you and your needs, sweet as can be. As Angelus, be prepared to be left bleeding and bruised. Absolutely the best of both worlds!

6. Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series

Ok, I have to start by mentioning the accent. British accents totally do me in, and his is awesome. The man is beautiful, with cheekbones to die for, and he’s got the snark going on as well. Plus, we know he likes violent, wall-breaking sex, and he would totally bite you if you wanted him to - something Angel wouldn’t do and you couldn’t trust Angelus with. But inside, Spike’s one big woobie, and he’d totally want to cuddle after. I’d be ok with that.

5. Brian Kinney - Queer as Folk

Ok, so he’s about as gay as gay gets. He’s still one of the hottest things ever to grace the screen. Brian is a sex GOD, and he knows it. He’s the ultimate in confidence, and he totally knows he’s always the hottest guy In the room. He can have anyone he wants, anywhere, any time. He’s a great dresser. He always has a snappy comeback. He’s smart and sexy and perfect. If only he were into girls!

4. Lex Luthor - Smallville

Are we noticing a pattern yet? Lex - super smart, super powerful, and dangerous. Great dresser. Always has something interesting to say. Has a voice like melted chocolate. Is very experienced and knowledgeable. Even though I like him best slashed with Clark, I would absolutely do him myself as well. Pure sex.

3. Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean.

Yes. Still. Jack is incredibly gorgeous, and madly brilliant as well. I’m convinced he’s got a very dark past that we still don’t know about, and though he’s very good at hiding his scars in public, they come out in the privacy of dark rooms. We know he’s a spectacular lover, and man would I love to test that out for myself. Also: eye makeup.

2. Dean Winchester - Supernatural

Oh dear god. Now we’re getting to the serious obsessions. Dean…this boy is the epitome of physical perfection for me. His face! His cheekbones! His eyes! His mouth…dear GOD his mouth! That boy’s got cocksucking lips like I’ve never seen - but I bet they’d be awfully good with girl parts, too. Dean is sexy, snarky, street-smart, and a total womanizer. He’s been through so much in his life that I can see him being into just about any kink you can think of, the more hardcore the better - but I can also see him being very loving, letting his emotions out through during sex in a way he can’t the rest of the time. Plus, he looks good in everything. The jacket! The car! The guns! I could seriously go on and on. He’s perfect.

1. Severus Snape - Harry Potter

The man who took the number one spot away from the perfection that is Dean Winchester! Yes, Snape makes number one on my list, no question about it. If you’ve been paying attention to the list, you’ll probably already know the reasons why. Let’s just list them now: the voice. I swear he could make me come with his voice alone. It is the best thing ever - EVER. The snark. The power. The darkness. The intelligence - my god, the intelligence! In addition to all this - Snape is just about the most obvious dom I’ve ever seen in fiction, barring stories actually about BDSM. I would let him do anything he wanted to me, no matter how depraved. It’s probably a good thing he doesn’t actually exist, to be honest. He just hits SO MANY of my kinks - older, sexy man…a teacher, for god’s sake! I just love everything about him, and I love Alan Rickman playing him. If I could never read any fic again except for Snape/Hermione and Sam/Dean, I would still be a very, very happy girl.

Fun facts about my list!

Characters who are anti-heroes or villains: 12/20
Characters who are much, much older than myself: 6/20
Characters who have dark hair: 14/20
Characters who I would define as snarky: 12/20
Characters who have definite sadistic tendencies: 8/20
Characters who I read most often paired with other men: 16/20
Characters originating in books: 3
Movies: 2
TV shows: 11
Comics/Manga: 3
Video Games: 1

Yeah, I just spent way too much time on that...

lost, ouran, smallville, tos, house, harry potter, pirates, labyrinth, qaf, firefly/serenity, heroes, x-men, quizzes and memes, buffy, supernatural, picspam

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