Wrestling Pairings

Feb 16, 2008 03:36

This post will have absolutely no interest for anyone but me. Move along.

AJ Styles/Christian Cage - Christian top. A bit mean, not in a malicious way, more in a that's-just-how-he-is way, and AJ hero-worships enough to take it. Love and co-dependency equally mixed.
AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels - Switch. Evenly matched - just enough mastery from Daniels to suit AJ's need for someone to latch on to, just enough challenge from AJ to keep Daniels interested. Long-term, friends plus more sort of relationship. Love? Maybe.
Chris Sabin/Alex Shelley - Switch. Perfectly suited in and out of the ring. I see much angst before they get together and then all smiles from that point on. Head-over-heels for each other, and it shows. Current OTP.
Triple H/Shawn Michaels - Hunter top. Epic, spanning years on and off. Magnetism that keeps pulling them back together even when they try to seperate. Probably a love that never truly gets voiced.
Triple H/Dave Batista - Hunter top at first, switching to Dave top. Almost enemy slash, even when they're friends. Lots of tension, lots of anger. Not love so much as need.

I need to start writing some of this, because god knows I haven't been able to find it anywhere else - and I've looked.

shipping, tna, wrestling, wwe

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