Random thoughts...

Jan 21, 2008 05:23

- Lost is good, but not as good as Heroes. I'm desperate for some spoiler-free Jack/Sayid/Sawyer, in any combination, but I'm afraid even to look - this is not a show you want to be spoiled for. Only two episodes left to watch in season one...then I'll go searching for the others.

- I've seen some strange stuff during my years of fannish activity, but I can honestly say that Bible fanfic is the strangest. It squicks me, and not much does.

- I'm praying for a Roger/Rafa final at the Australian Open, and it looks like it could happen. SHOULD happen.

- New Labyrinth fic makes me squee.

- So do Heroes crossovers. (Heroes/Firefly! Heroes/Pirates! Heroes/Lost! And it's all canon because Hiro's a time/space traveler!)

- Which, speaking of, makes me really want to read some Mohinder/Sayid. Something to do with the middle eastern look, I think. Plus Sayid is SO a top and Mohinder is SO a bottom. They fit.

- Is it bad that I didn't care about Boone or Shannon until I realized that they had a sort-of-incest, Cruel Intentions thing going on?

- And speaking of tennis, I find it to be the most adorable thing ever that Roger and Rafa play as each other when they play tennis video games. That is SO something that a fic writer would make up.

- Porn Battles (short, multifandom PWP fics left in comments) are possibly the best thing ever: http://oxoniensis.livejournal.com/344051.html or http://battle.oxoniensis.org/

- I find this to be perhaps the best line ever uttered: (Shannon to Sayid) "Well, let's get some rope and spend a Saturday night together and see what happens."

- It's amazing how one well-written fic can change your opinion of a character.

- Is it bad that I'm reluctant to buy a book with a female main character simply because I prefer male slash?

- Oh my god, I just found Futurama fic. That is awesome.

- Still haven't bought any Buffy. Wish I wasn't so damn poor. I'm missing out on fic, damn it!

- Fandoms I wish I could read fic in: Lost, Buffy, Torchwood, Supernatural. Maybe Stargate. Maybe House.

- I read something the other day that claimed "incest is the new slash." I totally see it.

- I really, really wish the writer's strike was over. Just pay the fucking writers already.

- Another fun line, this one from fic: "And Jayne thinks about it for a second and realizes that if the only way he's going to get some with River is with her brother there too, well, that's a trade-off he's willing to make."

- Nathan/Peter breathplay fic is the hottest thing ever.

- I'm anticipating Christian Bale/Heath Ledger RPF for the next Batman movie. Betcha it'll show up somewhere - and if not, I'll write it.

- "Bandom" is the worst fandom name I've ever heard.

- All this fic makes me want to watch Queer as Folk. Sometimes you just get tired of only having subtext. Sometimes you just want to see it happen.

- Why do people have this thing with turning one half of a slash pairing into a girl? Doesn't that take away all the fun?

- And, finally, why does fandom have this ability to make hours and hours that I should be spending asleep just fly right by? *sigh*

labyrinth, lost, tennis, qaf, heroes, random, fandom in general, quotes

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