(no subject)

May 03, 2007 09:07

I just have to say that the Sparrabeth people are NUTS. Yeah, I ship Jack/Liz too, but you don't have to be CRAZY about it! I wish they had never hinted at making that ship canon. That's what fanfiction is ABOUT, people - doing something that WASN'T in the original material! Those of us who shipped J/E after CotBP know and understand this. We picked up on hints, clues, subtext - things that inspired our imaginations, that we could play with and manipulate. Personally, I'd rather ship subtext than canon, thanks very much. So I've taken Sparrabeth off my friends list, because I am sick and tired of seeing them whine about how the world's going to end if they don't get "their ending." Seriously. I wish they would just calm the fuck down. *sigh*

shipping, pirates, wank, fandom in general, het

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