Title: Grand Pas de Deux
mercaqueRating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Sulu/Chekov. Also Sulu/OFC; very brief mention of past Sulu/Kirk and Chekov/OMC; some Sulu & Janice Rand BFFery.
Summary: Falling in love with Pavel Chekov, his daughter’s ballet teacher, is one of the most terrifying things Hikaru Sulu has ever done. Little does he realize that neither the attraction nor the terror are one-sided. Modern-day AU.
Author’s Note: Fill for
this prompt on the kink meme: "Hikaru/Pavel AU. Hikaru is smitten over his daughter's ballet teacher, Pavel. He uses gets his daughter to ask Pavel personal questions and get in trouble so Hikaru has a reason to go up there." Feedback is gratefully appreciated.
Story is here