Jun 18, 2004 18:47
Just left allies man that was like the first time in a week i have seen anyone it was fun untill i had to leave SWIMming at allie mucho funo
me and laura walking to sotp ansd go then to allies casa man tht icecream was not that goos and i think that s why it tool me soo long to eat it ans then i went to get the LANDSLIDE and it fell off my spoon and i tried to catch it and it feel in the grass so i put it bak in my cup and laura told me NOT to eaT it soo she gave me the last of hers !!! HOW NICE :)
yea making corn dogs popcorn eating grapes yummm allie throwing grapes up and me catching htem us chewing up popcorna nd spiting it at eachother umm just makes you want to eat more popcorn
LAURA i have to admit you are very good with peer presure my mom almost bought it until you gave her time to think about it and she thought of what keith would say and she changed her mind -- thats what she told me i do" QUOTE " RE-BEKA