Written for the
me_and_thee_100 drabble prompt Allison May/Laura Anderson (Targets Without a Badge character).
Double drabble.
Allison gently removed Ken’s hand from her shoulder, sitting back a little on the couch.
“Ken, finding David again after all these years has been… it’s given me back something that was a big part of me for a very long time.”
“Oh, boy,” Hutch said, sitting forward; distancing himself from what sounded like an oncoming verbal slap. He hated being compared with Starsky.
“No wait, hear me out,” Allison continued, “This isn’t what you think. I’m not choosing between you. David and I were very close, and I want that again. I sense I can’t have one without the other; I’ve seen how competitive you are.”
Hutch looked back at Allison. In all those years on the run with her father, losing her childhood, she had developed sharp instincts. She’d nailed him and Starsky.
“I don’t want you as lovers, but can I have you both as my very close, male friends? Please?”
Her large, openly expressive eyes, begged for acceptance.
“Sure, of course.”
“Tell me something, though. Do you two ever… you know… threesomes?”
“A gentleman never tells.”
“I know. And a lady never asks.”
Allison walked toward the kitchen, hesitated, then asked, “Do you have any Polaroids?”