LA, Day 2
AJ, from the shgfanfic group, and her SH-loving grandson, arrived mid-morning with a list and maps of planned events for the day. As her usual day trips take at least two days, she had asked me for a ‘short-list’ of what I’d most like to see. Oh, that’s easy - I’m a Starsky-girl. From what she’d told me she could access in a day, Starsky’s white house and the old zoo, thanks! Anything else would be gravy. So she knocked off a stack of other sites, then promptly put them all back in again as the day went on LOL
My head spun from all the sites they showed me, and I know I can’t do them all justice, so I’ll just work from my dodgy memory and the photos.
A torrential downpour this morning had left the Venice canals looking more like Venice, Italy. From the same canal as the previous day, but a slightly different angle, here are a couple more photos.
I know this isn’t the next place we visited, but the next site I remember is Starsky’s white house - in the series known as 2000 Ridgeway. It’s up on this one way road, horribly windy, and you can understand why they were only seen driving the Torino up there once (Running) and the rest of the time it’s just parked out front. Anyway, I was one happy little lamb when I saw that house.
AJ knows so many sites, and chatters away as she’s driving about what was filmed where, I couldn’t possibly photograph them all - so I don’t have references for everything. But the next photo I have is of the alley all ACFS junkies love - where H holds S after they come out of Janos’ studio. There’s a fence up now, but the staircases are pretty obviously the same. Makes my heart melt *sigh*
Round and about downtown LA, then up into the hills where we ended up at the old zoo, where preparations were being made for a Halloween event. How dare they interfere with my photo opportunities?!
Oh boy, I can’t tell you how special it was to walk around those bear cages, especially the stair well where Starsky climbs to the top and one of Marcus’ men pulls his hair back just as he thinks he’s about to escape, and says “we’re not nothing, man, we’re your executioners.” I was a very, very happy Chel at this point. If you saw my camera, you would know this by how many different angles I tried taking photos.
On the way back to my hotel, we passed Papoo’s Hot Dog Show, from TWAB - I think we passed it about four times so I could get a photo, and even then it’s not great. Oh well… AJ pointed out that the rounded hotels near my lodgings could be seen in the background of The Fix, where Monk is keeping Hutch. She drove around my hotel a little and I was surprised how close to the start of the canals they were. I think she said they were close to where the Torino went into the drink at the end of (shhh) The Movie.
I had a great day with AJ and grandson - they are both a wealth of knowledge which I hope they will share more widely with the fandom some day. If anyone ever has the privilege, you should know you are blessed. Thank you both for an amazing day!
Later that evening... With neither Audrey nor I having a car, our dinner had to be at “my place”. Some of you may know Audrey from LoMT and SatChat, although she is the shy retiring type *cough cough* Like CP, she is a laugh a minute, and I know these two ladies would get along so well if they could ever meet. I hope they do. Other commitments kept Audrey from “seeing the sites” with me and my hosts, but they can hopefully catch up and do that once I’m out of the country and cannot be held responsible for the consequences.
Good luck, ladies!
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