Title: Lift the Lid, by Chel
“I don’t know what to do, Starsk”
Please God, don’t let his vacant eyes be my last memory of him.
“I’m pushin the odds”
Come back; draw me into your games with a wink.
“I don’t know what to do”
Give me my next move, with nothing but a glance.
“I mean, what if…”
What if you never open your eyes again? Never again hold mine through a glance; a raised brow.
“What if…”
What a waste it would be, to lose those deep pools of understanding.
“Oh man, what am I talking about?”
Those gentle blue eyes that shine with compassion for the mother who lost her son; the special people who remind you of the innocence of childhood.
“What am I talking about?”
Eyes that hood with fatigue, squint in the sun; glint with triumph in victory.
Eyes that pin me when you see right through my lies; I’d even settle for an icy glare.
Please, Starsk, open your eyes, lift those lids; let me know you’re in there!
“Starsky? Starsky! You’re awake!”