rotten internet cafes!

Apr 29, 2007 15:01

madachaddah! KUSS EMEK! @*#&%(*&#%!!!! I swear in the languages of three nations!!!

These damn internet cafes and their decrepit PCs. I posted a great post the other night, dare I say it was EPIC, about our bad, annoying train ride and it seems the damn browser I was on didn't save it properly - did not respond to LJ's "restore saved data" even - and it did not post. Then, just now, I wrote another short synopsis and THAT was lost too!

I will not be denied! Suffice it to say that being woken up to change seats at 12 midnight, 3 AM does not make E a happy traveller. And repeating the same routine the next night makes me even MORE surly. Wasn't S's fault, thankfully, or he may have incurred my wrath - he was irritated by it as well. When he did incur a bit of my wrath was at one point during the night when he was partaking in a stupid North/South indian rivalry thing - pissing/shouting match - and I led him out of the vestibule, firmly by the hand, saying "You will stop this NOW. Unacceptable. I will not tolerate this low-class hooligan behavior. Here or anywhere. Do NOT get into a fight with these MORONS, or I swear I will go on to Delhi alone. I don't care what that elephant said, it takes a bigger man to walk away from it, GANDHI!"  Wisely, he was contrite, realized the wisdom of my words, and we had no further incident. Smart man!

SO, for the last eight hours of the train ride, we had fun, and I was able to concentrate on my book. No more ear piercing screams of misbehaving children, no more crazy religious fanatics from the north, no more ticket insanity.

Everyone! Friend my cousin,
waswo, the cranky ol' poof *grins*, as he rants about the disgusting human race! Sure to be delicious, nasty FUN!

So now, we're in Delhi, winding up my trip. Went to Vedo last night, a very swank Indian restaurant, swank by even Chicago standards, with a lot of oldish, ornate mirrors and tiles on the walls and ceiling. We splashed out and got a Rs 1100 bottle (around US $20) of Marquis de Pompadour champagne and swished around like the Raj. Along with that, we shared a "tasting menu" (surprising amount of food!) for Rs 1175 that included some yum chicken soup (actually, that was the most delicious thing - the spices!), sea bass, lamb chop, small stuffed chicken breast, chapati, dhal, crispy okra and a large prawn. S and I shared it, and it was a great snack, all we wanted. Especially after the street food feast we'd had before of chicken tikka and a flat meat pie. YUM. I loves me some street food.

We've been hanging out a lot - after dark, when it's relatively cooler - in this fun shopping area of Delhi. Lots of bars, restaurants and shops - and the famous United Coffee House, where we spent a few pleasant hours, dishing and sipping wine (cold Kingfisher beer for S). And I broke down and got one more salawar khameez last night at the insane Palika Bazaar - souk al Hamidiyya concentrated into an underground rabbit warren of aisles - S gets the right price. From Rs1200 down to Rs 300 - so I got two! Really cool, and the only thing to swan around in, in this heat. Plus, the dupati, the long scarf has drama potential swishing into a restaurant.

My new pierced ears have healed up nicely, except for one which feels pinchy every now and then. I now have six pairs of earrings! Oh good, more reasons to shop . . . like I needed any of those.

Today, we're probably going to take the Metro train to Old Delhi and lurk around, maybe eat some street food. I'm pretty ready to get out of this HEAT and get to spring, which I hear is springing out all over in Chicago!

And my darling doggie . . . I hope he's not forsaken me for the friendly confines of the Dog Spa, a.k.a. my Mom and Dad's house, where he's spoiled rotten!

india, delhi

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