This should be interesting

Jan 06, 2009 21:31

For winter quarter, I made a commitment on

The idea is, every week for 10 weeks, I report to them whether I obeyed the commitment, and if I didn't, they take $5.

It was just a couple of random things that have been dragging me down a bit. First, there are to-do lists. When I make them, and check them, I get so much more work done. But every time I start one, I stop it after 2 weeks. Also, there is the not attending class. I'm certainly better than I was freshman year, but I skip classes way too often, at least once or twice a week, and with 9AM/9:30AM/9AM/9:30AM/9AM this quarter, I'm a little worried. Also I would like to do more situps, because I cannot crush walnuts with my abs, and I really feel like I ought to be able to crush walnuts with my abs.

Just to keep it interesting... I chose the anti-charity option. This means if I botch a week they give my $5 to a political cause I strongly oppose. They have groups on both sides of abortion, environmental issues, the GWB Presidential Library, etc. So, I picked the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy... an anti-gay marriage group.


But hey, it's a damn strong motivator! :-)
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