Amsterdam, Soccer, Bikes, and Zook.

Dec 03, 2006 03:47

Amsterdam is a city with a small town feel. You really can get anywhere on foot if you really need to. It is the most bike-friendly city, but that doesn't mean the bikers are friendly. Let me put it this way, i got scared to death by 2 of them and almost got killed by another two. They are aggressive, but on the other hand, they are also some of the cutest bikers. I had never imagined that girls in skirts and knee-high, high-heel boots would be biking around meaning business while on the cell phone. The joys.

So the group decided that it was this great idea to go to the Hard Rock Cafe because you know, there's no Hard Rock Cafes in the USA. I would understand if they only wanted to buy the T-shirt, but no, they also went and bought the food. Anyway... I went on my own to an Irish Pub next door and had the best cold-cut sandwich I had ever had in my life, along with a live soccer game on TV and Heineken.

It was El Real Madrid against some other team. Real Madrid was kicking butt, so I started cheering for it, only to find out that the guy next to me was from Spain and we kept on watching the match. He paid for a second Heineken and we proceeded to cheer for the Real Madrid, which of course, has a couple of our very own Mexican players. Lunch was a blast. Total bill? 6.20 EUR.

So you would think that the fact that the weather was shitty cold and rainy all day long, maybe there wouldn't be asmany bikers. Man, they were everywhere. I think all bikers are born in Amsterdam by spontaneous generation. Must be the fact that they are under sea level.

And I met my friend Mike. Mike is a really cool hippie, and a good reminder that I used to be a full-blooded hippie (minus the drugs). He moved to Amsterdam because of Zook. What is Zook you may ask? Zook is like a slow Lambada. It's a brazilian dance. It's apparently a really cool dance that has Mike in a daze and what motivated him to move to Amsterdam... Amsterdam is the largest Zook scene outside of Brazil apparently. Whowuddathunk? Hippies can be really poetic in their way of viewing life. We agreed, over earl grey with lavender tea, that dance is a universal language. Music is a universal language. Love is a universal language. Sex is very much associated with love. And dance is a form of sexuality, therefore, our deep philosophical conclusion was that dance is a universal language, because, man, you don't have to speak yet you can communicate so much...

Philosophy creeps out of anywhere.

I need to find more hippies.

europe, friends, culture, hippies, bikes, traveling

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