he's a funny sort of spectre to expect a large retainer...

Mar 03, 2006 09:24

tagged by ashkes_muse

Because EVERYONE likes bribery, I give you the following meme:

The following list contains the five most effective things with which I can be bribed. If tagged, you must do the same, and tag five more people. The assumption is made that lots of money is always a good bribe, so you can't choose that one

1. an opportunity to perform...anywhere...
2. Phantom. Anything having to do with POTO
3. something you got for very little that would ordinarily be expensive for me to get
4. candy; for best results, use chocolate
5. and as a last resort, you could just tell me to do something as long as it's not too difficult, 'cause I'm subby like that

So now I tag five people to reveal the keys to their souls...
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