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ashkes_muse Five Guilty pleasures
The Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic of "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. Some reality tv shows like Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Queer Eye, Clean Sweep, What Not To Wear and also sleuthy things like Law and Order and Unsolved Mysteries.
2. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. It's like one of the only things I can store without refridgeration and requires only a microwave so I eat it constantly, but I'm still not sick of it.
3. Rocky Horror. I think that speaks for itself.
4. live theater...oh, strike that--DECENT live theater
5. girly movies and musical movies, but thankfully Adam likes them too :)
I tag...