Feb 03, 2004 20:11
the last few days ive been fuckin around and really not doin my art work. this kindaa sucks since i need a portfolio by the end of february, which gets me to thinking what if i dont make it into a school? that would supremelysuck and i would be so mad at the school and myself. on a lighter note andrew and me are in classic film together and hes already written a script for our final project. its not all to great and kinda cheesy. him and jake are stuck on this samurai thing which is cool but im sort of partial to the subject. this apparently means something to andrew so ill go with it unless my fellow mwmbers agree and we can form a mob with pitch forks and torches. we havent had one of those in gahanna since ever. and you know what if cockroaches were smarter they could so take over the world, which would suck ass. theyre so ugly and if they talked i would be so freaked out. you know what else is freaky seeing younger siblings looking at porn on the computer soo sick.