(no subject)

Sep 26, 2002 01:31

Well, I've got jack shit to write about, but I thought I'd keep you guys posted anyway.

So...I turn 28 today. Woot. I've got four days to find somewhere to live. Fuckin' woot. And I've just got back from a short hitch-hiking holiday. That absolutely fucking rocked!!

Twenty fucking eight! That wasn't supposed to happen. Bugger!


In the ljconfessional community, someone posted their sex confessions. In a moment of suicidal stupidity I posted my own. For those who can't be arsed to click over there, I'm cross-posting them here for your edification. (Yeah, right!)

Here you are then.

Sulphur's Sex Confessions

  • When the neighbours are at it, I listen. I'll go as far as pressing my ear to the wall sometimes. If I had a stethoscope, I'd use it. It goes without saying (tho' I'm saying it anyway) that the sounds are used as soundtracks for masturbatory fantasies.
  • I refuse to believe I'm anything other than useless in bed. My last girlfriend always said I was excellent, but I'd just think, yeah, well, of course you're going to say that, aren't you?
  • In my last relationship, towards the end, I'd reject my girlfriend's advances, wait for her to go to sleep, then masturbate.
  • I masturbate on average once a day. I can't remember the last time I used my hand though.
  • I have had sexual intercourse twice, both times with my last girlfriend. It hurt like hell. The cause of the pain has been surgically dealt with, and now I await my next sexual encounter with dread. Either I'll still hate it, or I'll really really like it. Both possibilities terrify me. I was 25 then, I'm 28 now.
  • I intend to try fucking a girl anally, but first I intend to try dying of old age.
  • I love doing stuff to pleasure a girl, but I can't relax enough to let her do stuff to pleasure me. It scares the crap out of me.
  • Sexual activity makes me feel stupid and out of place, and I get horribly depressed afterwards.
  • I'm getting fucking obsessed with sex, and I can't give vent to this obsession for the reasons outlined above (masturbating just doesn't cut it any more). I'm scared I'm going to turn into some kind of fucking sick cunt.
I think that's about it. Fuck it, I'm going to go and get drunk now.

Current mood: Yuck!
Current music: Laurie Anderson: "The Ugly One With The Jewels"

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